"2"^^ . "2004-01-01+01:00"^^ . "2"^^ . "RIV/00216224:14110/04:00010248" . . "RIV/00216224:14110/04:00010248!RIV08-MSM-14110___" . "568544" . . . "14110" . . "The phenomenon of sensitization enhancing usually stimulant behavioral response to repeatedly administered drugs of abuse has been described both in laboratory animals and human beings. There is also data available confirming a cross-sensitization between different types of drugs of abuse supporting further the hypothesis that repeated use of one drug of abuse may facilitate the consumption of other drugs. Previously we confirmed the sensitization to methamphetamine (MET) stimulatory effect on locomotor/exploratory behavior, and also to its inhibitory influence on aggression in mice. Furthermore, such sensitization was present in mice cross-sensitized with cannabinoid methanandamide (CAN). Our experiences with behavioral as well as immunological profiles of different cannabinoids received in our collaborative studies with Israel colleagues (Mechoulam R., Fride E.) gave rise to the present study comparing cross-sensitization with CAN to behavioral MET effects with their influences on immune function of" . "Abstracts - NIDA International Forum 2004, San Juan, Puerto Rico" . "Interaction of cannabinoid methanandamide with processes of sensitization to both behavioral and immunological methamphetamine effects in mice." . . . . "Landa, Leo\u0161" . . "The phenomenon of sensitization enhancing usually stimulant behavioral response to repeatedly administered drugs of abuse has been described both in laboratory animals and human beings. There is also data available confirming a cross-sensitization between different types of drugs of abuse supporting further the hypothesis that repeated use of one drug of abuse may facilitate the consumption of other drugs. Previously we confirmed the sensitization to methamphetamine (MET) stimulatory effect on locomotor/exploratory behavior, and also to its inhibitory influence on aggression in mice. Furthermore, such sensitization was present in mice cross-sensitized with cannabinoid methanandamide (CAN). Our experiences with behavioral as well as immunological profiles of different cannabinoids received in our collaborative studies with Israel colleagues (Mechoulam R., Fride E.) gave rise to the present study comparing cross-sensitization with CAN to behavioral MET effects with their influences on immune function of"@en . . "Interaction of cannabinoid methanandamide with processes of sensitization to both behavioral and immunological methamphetamine effects in mice."@en . . . . "[57E5C1D79489]" . "San Juan, Puerto Rico" . . "90" . "Z(MSM 141100001)" . . . "Byly potvrzeny funk\u010Dn\u00ED interakce mezi endokanabinboidn\u00EDm syst\u00E9mem a farmakologick\u00FDmi mechanismy metamfetaminu v obou studovan\u00FDch parametrech."@cs . "\u0160ulcov\u00E1, Alexandra" . "USA" . "1"^^ . "Interaction of cannabinoid methanandamide with processes of sensitization to both behavioral and immunological methamphetamine effects in mice." . . "Interakce kanabinoidu metanandamidu s procesy sensitizace k behavior\u00E1ln\u00EDm a imunologick\u00FDm \u00FA\u010Dinkl\u016Fm metamfetaminu u my\u0161\u00ED"@cs . "Interaction of cannabinoid methanandamide with processes of sensitization to both behavioral and immunological methamphetamine effects in mice."@en . "US National Institute on Drug Abuse" . "methanandamide; methamphetamine; sensitization; mice"@en . . . "Interakce kanabinoidu metanandamidu s procesy sensitizace k behavior\u00E1ln\u00EDm a imunologick\u00FDm \u00FA\u010Dinkl\u016Fm metamfetaminu u my\u0161\u00ED"@cs .