. "Immigration hors des grands centres : enjeux, politiques et pratiques dans cinq \u00C9tats f\u00E9d\u00E9raux : Australie, Belgique, Canada, Espagne, Suisse" . . . "RIV/00216208:11310/12:10138892!RIV14-GA0-11310___" . . . "Vatz Laaroussi, Mich\u00E8le" . . "Gerstnerov\u00E1, Andrea" . . . . "Immigrant and Locality"@en . "978-2-296-96332-0" . "Man\u00E7o, Altay" . "26"^^ . "Le local et l'immigr\u00E9" . "Comp\u00E9tences interculturelles" . . "[5E0C4EB971A7]" . "RIV/00216208:11310/12:10138892" . "260"^^ . . "Le local et l'immigr\u00E9" . "11310" . . "Bolzman, Claudio" . "Immigrant and Locality"@en . "4"^^ . "Paris" . "146597" . "1"^^ . . . "Integration; Local Governance; Diversity"@en . "http://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=livre&no=36309" . . "The purpose of this contribution is to propose a conceptual reflection on the phenomena of immigration outside the major urban centers throughout the Western world from the perspective of various points of view and on the basis of relevant illustrations. The article discusses the theoretical background of the phenomena and linked issues by means of numerous observations made mainly in the industrialized Europe. The article discusses and summarizes the recent challenge and comes up with concrete propositions."@en . "L'objet de cette contribution est de proposer une r\u00E9flexion conceptuelle a partir des diverses d\u00E9finitions et illustrations autour des ph\u00E9nom\u00E8nes li\u00E9s a l'immigration en dehors des grands centres urbains a travers le monde occidental. L'article traite les th\u00E9matiques th\u00E9oriques et les enjeux en pr\u00E9sence a travers diverses observations r\u00E9alis\u00E9es principalement en Europe industrialis\u00E9e. L'article les discute et interpr\u00E8te afin d'aboutir a des propositions concr\u00E8tes." . . "P(GPP404/11/P289)" . "Harmattan" .