"P(GAP401/11/1688)" . "RIV/00216208:11270/12:10291079" . . "11270" . "The Bible and the Pilgrim in East and West: The Use of the Scriptures in The Way of the Pilgrim and The Pilgrim's Progress"@en . "124899" . "19"^^ . "V tazi statija e napraven sravnitelen analiz na upotrebata na Sve\u0161\u010Dennoto pisanie v dva klasi\u010Deski christijanski teksta, edinijat e ot Ruskata izichastka tradicija i drugijat e napisan ot anglijski baptist v sedemnadeseti vek." . . "1"^^ . . "scriptural hermeneutics; Way of the Pilgrim; John Bunyan; Hesychasm"@en . "The Bible and the Pilgrim in East and West: The Use of the Scriptures in The Way of the Pilgrim and The Pilgrim's Progress"@en . "16" . . "BG - Bulharsk\u00E1 republika" . "This article compares the appeal to the scriptures in two classic Christian texts, one from the Russian hesychast tradition and the second from a seventeenth century English Baptist John Bunyan."@en . . . "Biblijata i poklonnikt na Iztok i na Zapad: Upotrebata na Sv. Pisanie v 'Otkroveni razkazi na edin strannik pred negovija duchoven otec' i 'Pte\u0161estvenikt ot tozi svjat do onzi'" . . . . . "RIV/00216208:11270/12:10291079!RIV15-GA0-11270___" . "Bogoslovska Misl" . . . . "3-4" . . . . "[D5EFB9E468C5]" . "1"^^ . "1310-7909" . "Noble, Timothy" . "Biblijata i poklonnikt na Iztok i na Zapad: Upotrebata na Sv. Pisanie v 'Otkroveni razkazi na edin strannik pred negovija duchoven otec' i 'Pte\u0161estvenikt ot tozi svjat do onzi'" .