"This article discusses by-products of thinking affecting human action in Hannah Arendt's thought. First, I concentrate on Arendt's understanding of evil in human action formulated in the concepts of radical and banal evil. The next part examines the impact of thinking on creating human being as a person with conscience and potential for judgment. Following, the focus shifts to the ways in which the lack of thinking is mirrored in human action. The last part explores transition from an inner dialogue between me and myself to an external dialogue of thinking with others without any external impulses leading to it. I argue that according to Hannah Arendt action in the sense of speech is another by-product of thinking besides conscience and judgment. Thinking in a public dialogue co-creates the space of appearances. Decay of this space results in violence entering acting and also thinking. Therefore, we can say thinking as a mental activity is not only prevention of evil action but also of the disintegration of the web of human relationships."@en . . "Ku\u0161nierikov\u00E1, Michaela" . "Arendt; Hannah; togetherness; human; impact; its; evil-doing; prevention; Thinking"@en . "Myslenie ako prevencia zl\u00E9ho jednania a jeho dopad na \u013Eudsk\u00E9 spolubytie u Hannah Arendt" . "RIV/00216208:11270/11:10133809" . . . "Thinking as a prevention of evil-doing and its impact on human togetherness in Hannah Arendt"@en . . . "17" . "11270" . "RIV/00216208:11270/11:10133809!RIV13-MSM-11270___" . . . . "1"^^ . "S" . . "1"^^ . . "Thinking as a prevention of evil-doing and its impact on human togetherness in Hannah Arendt"@en . . . . "[7EF0FE650AAB]" . "214495" . "Teologick\u00E1 reflexe" . . . . "1211-1872" . "1" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . "Myslenie ako prevencia zl\u00E9ho jednania a jeho dopad na \u013Eudsk\u00E9 spolubytie u Hannah Arendt" . . "20"^^ . . "Tento \u010Dl\u00E1nok uva\u017Euje o ved\u013Eaj\u0161\u00EDch produktoch myslenia, ktor\u00E9 ovplyv\u0148uj\u00FA \u013Eudsk\u00E9 konanie v myslen\u00ED Hannah Arendt. V prvom rade sa zameriavam na Arendtovej pochopenie zla v \u013Eudskom konan\u00ED formulovan\u00FDch v pojmoch radik\u00E1lneho a ban\u00E1lneho zla. V \u010Fal\u0161ej \u010Dasti sk\u00FAmam dopad myslenia na utv\u00E1ranie \u013Eudskej bytosti ako osoby so svedom\u00EDm a potenci\u00E1lom pre \u00FAsudok. Nasleduje sta\u0165, v ktorej sa d\u00F4raz pres\u00FAva na sp\u00F4soby, v ktor\u00FDch sa nedostatok myslenia odzrkad\u013Euje v \u013Eudskom konan\u00ED. Posledn\u00E1 \u010Das\u0165 sa zaober\u00E1 prechodom z vn\u00FAtorn\u00E9ho dial\u00F3gu medzi mnou a sebou k vonkaj\u0161iemu dial\u00F3gu uva\u017Eovania s druh\u00FDmi bez toho, aby k nemu viedli ak\u00E9ko\u013Evek vonkaj\u0161ie impulzy. Tvrd\u00EDm, \u017Ee pod\u013Ea Hannah Arendt konanie je v zmysle hovorenia \u010Fal\u0161\u00EDm ved\u013Eaj\u0161\u00EDm produktom myslenia popri svedom\u00ED a \u00FAsudku. Myslenie vo verejnom dial\u00F3gu spoluutv\u00E1ra priestor zjavovania sa. \u00DApadok tohto priestoru m\u00E1 za n\u00E1sledok vstup n\u00E1silia do konania aj myslenia. Preto m\u00F4\u017Eeme poveda\u0165, \u017Ee myslenie ako du\u0161evn\u00E1 schopnos\u0165 nie je len prevenciou zl\u00E9ho konania, ale aj prevenciou dezintegr\u00E1cie tkaniva \u013Eudsk\u00FDch vz\u0165ahov." . . .