"11270" . . "Les formules juridiques dans les contrats du wadi Daliyeh" . "RIV/00216208:11270/10:10051585!RIV11-GA0-11270___" . "Les formules juridiques dans les contrats du wadi Daliyeh" . . "Hautes \u00E9tudes orientales, 48" . "268294" . . "Le chapitre contient une analyse des aspects juridiques des contrats aram\u00E9ens \u00E9crits dans la ville de Samarie au 4e si?cle av. J.-C. et d\u00E9couverts en 1962 dans le wadi Daliyeh." . . . . "Daliyeh; Wadi; from; contracts; the; formulae; Legal"@en . "Droz" . "The chapter contains the analysis of the legal aspects of the Aramaic contracts written in the city of Samaria in the 4th century BCE and discovered in 1962 in Wadi Daliyeh."@en . "472"^^ . . "Legal formulae in the contracts from Wadi Daliyeh"@en . . . "Du\u0161ek, Jan" . "RIV/00216208:11270/10:10051585" . . "Legal formulae in the contracts from Wadi Daliyeh"@en . . . . "1"^^ . . "38"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "Trois mill\u00E9naires de formulaires juridiques" . "Geneve" . "[85D13B8AD7AC]" . "978-2-600-01355-0" . . . "P(GP401/07/P454), P(LC538)" . . .