. "92" . . . . "119613" . "1"^^ . . "Letos uplynulo 115 let od narozen\u00ED fyzika, pol\u00E1rn\u00EDka a spisovatele Franti\u0161ka B\u011Bhounka, kter\u00E9ho zn\u00E1 ve\u0159ejnost p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm jako \u010Dlena slavn\u00E9 Nobileho expedice a prvn\u00EDho \u010Cecha, kter\u00FD spat\u0159il severn\u00ED p\u00F3l."@cs . "11260" . "115 let od narozen\u00ED fyzika, pol\u00E1rnika a spisovatele Franti\u0161ka B\u011Bhounka" . . . . . "This year marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of scientist, writer and explorer Franti\u0161ek B\u011Bhounek. Madamme Curie's pupil and radiologist gained international fame for taking part in the ill-fated Nobile's expedition to the North Pole in 1928"@en . "3"^^ . . "0042-4544" . "Letos uplynulo 115 let od narozen\u00ED fyzika, pol\u00E1rn\u00EDka a spisovatele Franti\u0161ka B\u011Bhounka, kter\u00E9ho zn\u00E1 ve\u0159ejnost p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm jako \u010Dlena slavn\u00E9 Nobileho expedice a prvn\u00EDho \u010Cecha, kter\u00FD spat\u0159il severn\u00ED p\u00F3l." . "B\u011Bhounek; Franti\u0161ek; writer; explorer; polar; physicist; birth; years; 115"@en . . "[D9A3A64ED127]" . . . . "115 years since the birth of the physicist, polar explorer and writer Franti\u0161ek B\u011Bhounek"@en . "115 let od narozen\u00ED fyzika, pol\u00E1rnika a spisovatele Franti\u0161ka B\u011Bhounka" . . "Vesm\u00EDr" . "V" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . "115 years since the birth of the physicist, polar explorer and writer Franti\u0161ek B\u011Bhounek"@en . "Sl\u00E1de\u010Dek, Petr" . . . "115 let od narozen\u00ED fyzika, pol\u00E1rnika a spisovatele Franti\u0161ka B\u011Bhounka"@cs . "12" . . "115 let od narozen\u00ED fyzika, pol\u00E1rnika a spisovatele Franti\u0161ka B\u011Bhounka"@cs . "RIV/00216208:11260/13:10173998" . "1"^^ . . "RIV/00216208:11260/13:10173998!RIV15-MSM-11260___" .