"Kritick\u00FD postoj v\u016F\u010Di klasick\u00E9 fenomenologick\u00E9 interpretaci zku\u0161enosti vede Emmanuela L\u00E9vinase a Maurice Blanchota k vytvo\u0159en\u00ED alternativn\u00EDho pojet\u00ED, podle n\u011Bho\u017E zku\u0161enost p\u0159esahuje my\u0161len\u00ED a skute\u010Dnost je v\u016F\u010Di n\u011Bmu alteritou. Zku\u0161enost alterity, kter\u00E1 protrhuje celistvost a tempor\u00E1ln\u00ED jednotu ka\u017Ed\u00E9ho lidsk\u00E9ho my\u0161len\u00ED, je v\u0161ak u obou autor\u016F tematizov\u00E1na jin\u00FDm zp\u016Fsobem, co\u017E vede k jin\u00E9mu pojet\u00ED lidsk\u00E9 subjektivity."@cs . . "Druh\u00FD a struktura zku\u0161enosti : mezi Blanchotem a L\u00E9vinasem" . "Druh\u00FD a struktura zku\u0161enosti : mezi Blanchotem a L\u00E9vinasem"@cs . "64" . . . "Critical approach to the classical phenomenological interpretation of the experience leads Emmanuel L\u00E9vinas and Maurice Blanchot to the development of the alternative conception. This conception deals with experience that transgresses the thinking and with the reality that is an alterity to the thinking. The experience of the alterity tearing the wholeness and the temporal unity of the human thinking is, nevertheless, treated in a different way by these two authors. This fact leads to a different notion of the human subjectivity."@en . "RIV/00216208:11240/09:10001365" . "8" . "P(KJB901110802), Z(MSM0021620845)" . "Filozofia" . . . "Other and Structure of Experience : between Blanchot and L\u00E9vinas"@en . . "7"^^ . . . "RIV/00216208:11240/09:10001365!RIV10-MSM-11240___" . . . . "[CCC437BCFF23]" . "311420" . . . "Koubov\u00E1, Alice" . . "experience; alterity; post-phenomenology"@en . "1"^^ . "Kritick\u00FD postoj v\u016F\u010Di klasick\u00E9 fenomenologick\u00E9 interpretaci zku\u0161enosti vede Emmanuela L\u00E9vinase a Maurice Blanchota k vytvo\u0159en\u00ED alternativn\u00EDho pojet\u00ED, podle n\u011Bho\u017E zku\u0161enost p\u0159esahuje my\u0161len\u00ED a skute\u010Dnost je v\u016F\u010Di n\u011Bmu alteritou. Zku\u0161enost alterity, kter\u00E1 protrhuje celistvost a tempor\u00E1ln\u00ED jednotu ka\u017Ed\u00E9ho lidsk\u00E9ho my\u0161len\u00ED, je v\u0161ak u obou autor\u016F tematizov\u00E1na jin\u00FDm zp\u016Fsobem, co\u017E vede k jin\u00E9mu pojet\u00ED lidsk\u00E9 subjektivity." . . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . "1"^^ . "Druh\u00FD a struktura zku\u0161enosti : mezi Blanchotem a L\u00E9vinasem" . "Other and Structure of Experience : between Blanchot and L\u00E9vinas"@en . . "0046-385X" . "11240" . . "Druh\u00FD a struktura zku\u0161enosti : mezi Blanchotem a L\u00E9vinasem"@cs .