. "Smysl men\u0161inov\u00FDch instituc\u00ED v modern\u00ED spole\u010Dnosti" . . "Kapitola se zkoum\u00E1 ot\u00E1zku v\u00FDznamu men\u0161inov\u00FDch instituc\u00ED v sou\u010Dasnosti. Na p\u0159\u00EDkladu \u010CR sleduje podstatu jednotliv\u00FDch typ\u016F men\u0161inov\u00FDch instituc\u00ED a jejich dopad na udr\u017Eov\u00E1n\u00ED kontinuity p\u016Fvodn\u00EDch etnick\u00FDch ko\u0159en\u016F a kultivaci pom\u011Bti jejich soci\u00E1ln\u00EDch a kulturn\u00EDch v\u00FDchodisek." . "Smysl men\u0161inov\u00FDch instituc\u00ED v modern\u00ED spole\u010Dnosti"@cs . . "1"^^ . "[8BB462E3DE23]" . "P(GA404/05/0779)" . "The paper examines the question of importance of minority institutions in present-day modern society. Using the situation in the Czech Republic as a model, it observes the essence of individual types of minority institutions and their impact on the maintenance of continuity of original ethnic roots and on the cultivation of memory of this social and cultural background. In the theoretical sphere, the paper is based on the proposition that fragmented structures of modern society work on the basis of fragmented institutions that often do not intensively cooperate. Along with other internal functions, they acquire the position of an icon for an ethnic minority and foreigner?s community. When searching for ethnic roots, one can establish a relationship to them in the context of maintenance, promotion and consecration of the initial ethnic identity."@en . . . . . . "Kapitola se zkoum\u00E1 ot\u00E1zku v\u00FDznamu men\u0161inov\u00FDch instituc\u00ED v sou\u010Dasnosti. Na p\u0159\u00EDkladu \u010CR sleduje podstatu jednotliv\u00FDch typ\u016F men\u0161inov\u00FDch instituc\u00ED a jejich dopad na udr\u017Eov\u00E1n\u00ED kontinuity p\u016Fvodn\u00EDch etnick\u00FDch ko\u0159en\u016F a kultivaci pom\u011Bti jejich soci\u00E1ln\u00EDch a kulturn\u00EDch v\u00FDchodisek."@cs . . "Neuveden" . "1"^^ . "Smysl men\u0161inov\u00FDch instituc\u00ED v modern\u00ED spole\u010Dnosti" . "978-80-87398-03-6" . . . . "RIV/00216208:11240/09:00014474!RIV10-GA0-11240___" . . "360"^^ . "Smysl men\u0161inov\u00FDch instituc\u00ED v modern\u00ED spole\u010Dnosti"@cs . "Praha" . "Bittnerov\u00E1, Dana" . "341879" . "Etnick\u00E9 komunity - Elity, instituce, st\u00E1t." . "The meaning of minority institutions in modern society ? an ethical perspective"@en . "11240" . "19"^^ . . "The meaning of minority institutions in modern society ? an ethical perspective"@en . "Ermat Praha, sro." . . . "ethnic minority; migration; social networks; institutions"@en . "RIV/00216208:11240/09:00014474" .