. . . "Diplomatic service of the Holy See in the context of its action at the UN"@en . "United Nations; diplomacy; Holy See"@en . "Neuveden" . "[93FB80F4AECA]" . "Bratislava" . "V s\u00FA\u010Dasnosti udr\u017Eiava Sv\u00E4t\u00E1 stolica form\u00E1lne diplomatick\u00E9 styky s takmer v\u0161etk\u00FDmi \u0161t\u00E1tmi sveta, ako aj s mnoh\u00FDmi medzin\u00E1rodn\u00FDmi organiz\u00E1ciami a entitami. Jednou z nich je aj Organiz\u00E1cia spojen\u00FDch n\u00E1rodov (OSN), kde zast\u00E1va pozoruhodn\u00FA poz\u00EDciu st\u00E1leho pozorovate\u013Ea. Vo svojej diplomacii pova\u017Euje Sv\u00E4t\u00E1 stolica OSN za jednu z najd\u00F4le\u017Eitej\u0161\u00EDch organiz\u00E1ci\u00ED v medzin\u00E1rodn\u00FDch vz\u0165ahoch, prostredn\u00EDctvom ktorej sa pok\u00FA\u0161a dosahova\u0165 svoje ciele. Z tohto d\u00F4vodu predstavuj\u00FA jej diplomati hlavn\u00FDch propag\u00E1torov \u00FAsilia za \u013Eudsk\u00FA d\u00F4stojnos\u0165 v Bezpe\u010Dnostnej rade OSN, na Valnom zhroma\u017Eden\u00ED OSN, ako aj na r\u00F4znych medzin\u00E1rodn\u00FDch konferenci\u00E1ch. Taktie\u017E p\u00E1pe\u017Ei sa po\u010Dn\u00FAc Pavlom VI. prostredn\u00EDctvom svojich pr\u00EDhovorov na VZ OSN usiluj\u00FA formova\u0165 verejn\u00FA mienku a obra\u0148ova\u0165 z\u00E1kladn\u00E9 \u013Eudsk\u00E9 pr\u00E1va postaven\u00E9 na prirodzenom pr\u00E1ve. Cie\u013E tohto textu je dvojit\u00FD. Po prv\u00E9, pok\u00FAsim sa objasni\u0165 \u00FAlohu Sv\u00E4tej stolice ako st\u00E1leho pozorovate\u013Ea - ne\u010Dlensk\u00E9ho \u0161t\u00E1tu OSN. Vysvetl\u00EDm vznik a historick\u00FD v\u00FDvoj tohto statusu, ako aj pr\u00E1va a povinnosti Sv\u00E4tej stolice v OSN. Po druh\u00E9, r\u00E1d by som objasnil \u00FAstredn\u00E9 princ\u00EDpy a ciele jej diplomacie v tejto organiz\u00E1cii. Na z\u00E1ver op\u00ED\u0161em postoj Sv\u00E4tej stolice v dlhotrvaj\u00FAcej diskusii o reforme OSN." . "Diplomatick\u00E1 slu\u017Eba a diplomacia Sv\u00E4tej stolice v kontexte jej p\u00F4sobenia pri Organiz\u00E1cii Spojen\u00FDch n\u00E1rodov" . "Diplomacia v \u00E9re globaliz\u00E1cie II. : Aktu\u00E1lne ot\u00E1zky te\u00F3rie a praxe diplomacie" . "Seker\u00E1k, Mari\u00E1n" . "Nowadays, the Holy See has formal diplomatic relations with almost all states around the world as well as with many international organizations and other entities. One of them is the United Nations (UN), where it holds the interesting position of a Permanent Observer. The Holy See\u02BCs diplomacy considers the UN as one of the most important organizations in international relations through which it can puruse its own aims. Thus, diplomats of the Holy See are leading figures in lobbying for human dignity at the UN Security Council, UN General Assembly as well as in various international conferences. Moreover, popes since Paul VI through their addresses to the General Assembly have been trying to shape world public opinion and defend elementary human rights grounded in the natural law. My aim in the following text is, then, twofold. First, I try to clarify the role of the Holy See as a Permanent Observer and a Non-member State of the UN. Therefore, I aim at explaining its genesis, historical development and the rights and duties of the Holy See at the UN. Second, I try to shed some light on leading principles and aims of its diplomacy at the UN. At the conclusion I describe Holy See\u02BCs position in the long-lasting debate over the UN reform."@en . "Diplomatick\u00E1 slu\u017Eba a diplomacia Sv\u00E4tej stolice v kontexte jej p\u00F4sobenia pri Organiz\u00E1cii Spojen\u00FDch n\u00E1rodov" . . "129"^^ . "RIV/00216208:11230/14:10282035!RIV15-MSM-11230___" . "11621" . . . "Pamiko" . . "1"^^ . . "21"^^ . . "I" . "RIV/00216208:11230/14:10282035" . "Diplomatic service of the Holy See in the context of its action at the UN"@en . "Seker\u00E1k, Mari\u00E1n" . . . . "11230" . "978-80-85660-09-8" . "1"^^ . .