"CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Studie je v\u00FDsledkem v\u00FDzkumu a diskus\u00ED probl\u00E9mu reflexe genderu v jazyce" . "Gender in Phraseology (on Belorusian, Polish and Czech materi\u00E1l)"@en . . . "[521AD46A6AAF]" . . . . "Kedron, Katerina" . "RIV/00216208:11210/13:10193813!RIV14-MSM-11210___" . . . "Slavia" . . "3" . "1"^^ . "11210" . "1"^^ . "Gender ve frazeologii (na materi\u00E1lu b\u011Bloru\u0161tiny, pol\u0161tiny a \u010De\u0161tiny)"@cs . "76257" . . . . "phraseology; gender stereotypes; gender linguistics; gender"@en . "Gender in Phraseology (on Belorusian, Polish and Czech materi\u00E1l)"@en . . "Gender ve frazeologii (na materi\u00E1lu b\u011Bloru\u0161tiny, pol\u0161tiny a \u010De\u0161tiny)" . "16"^^ . "Studie je v\u00FDsledkem v\u00FDzkumu a diskus\u00ED probl\u00E9mu reflexe genderu v jazyce"@cs . . . . . "RIV/00216208:11210/13:10193813" . "The paper represents the result of research and discusses the probl\u00E9m of reflection gender in language."@en . "Gender ve frazeologii (na materi\u00E1lu b\u011Bloru\u0161tiny, pol\u0161tiny a \u010De\u0161tiny)"@cs . "I" . "0037-6736" . "Gender ve frazeologii (na materi\u00E1lu b\u011Bloru\u0161tiny, pol\u0161tiny a \u010De\u0161tiny)" . "82" .