"RIV/00216208:11210/12:10131632" . "1"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "22" . "A high official on the courts of the last two kings of the 26th (Saite) Dynasty and the first Persian kings Cambyses and Darius - Udjahorresnet mentioned in his autobiographical text that he journeyed to Elam, at that time an integral part of the great Persian Empire. This very unusual destination for the Egyptian nobleman, whose tomb was discovered by our archaeological mission at Abusir, inspired me to follow his traces nearly 2 500 years later. Thus, in this article I describe my experiences from a couple of sites connected with the famous Achaemenid Dynasty: Bisutun, Ganj Nameh, Susa, Persepolis and others."@en . . "RIV/00216208:11210/12:10131632!RIV13-MSM-11210___" . "11210" . "Smol\u00E1rikov\u00E1, Kv\u011Bta" . "From ancient Persia to the modern Iran"@en . "Zo starovekej Perzie do modern\u00E9ho \u00CDr\u00E1nu" . . . "1335-6550" . . "182779" . . . "From ancient Persia to the modern Iran"@en . "SK - Slovensk\u00E1 republika" . "I" . . . "Zo starovekej Perzie do modern\u00E9ho \u00CDr\u00E1nu" . "11" . "6"^^ . "Vysok\u00FD \u00FAradn\u00EDk na dvore posledn\u00FDch sajsk\u00FDch a prv\u00FDch perzsk\u00FDch panovn\u00EDkov - Kamb\u00FDsa a D\u00E1reia - Ud\u017Eahorresnet, zmienil vo svojom autobiografickom n\u00E1pise cestu do Elamu, v tej dobe s\u00FA\u010Dasti Perzskej r\u00ED\u0161e. T\u00E1to ve\u013Emi neobvykl\u00E1 destin\u00E1cia egyptsk\u00E9ho \u0161\u013Eachtica, ktor\u00E9ho hrob sme vykopali v Ab\u00FAs\u00EDre, ma in\u0161pirovala nav\u0161t\u00EDvi\u0165 miesta s n\u00EDm spojen\u00E9, po viac ne\u017E 2 500 rokoch: B\u00EDs\u00FAtun, Gand\u017E Name, Susy, Persepolis a \u010Fal\u0161ie." . "Persepolis; Elam; Abusir; Persian Empire; Udjahorresnet"@en . "Historick\u00E1 revue" . . . "[5C250604D9D1]" . .