"1"^^ . . "223323" . . "P\u0159ichyl ucho k zemi bl\u00ED\u017E. Erbenova Kytice a s\u00E9miotick\u00E9 principy magick\u00E9ho obrazu sv\u011Bta"@cs . . . . . "21"^^ . . "Come your ear closer to the earth. Erben's Kytice and Semiotic Principles of the Magical Picture of the World"@en . "P\u0159ichyl ucho k zemi bl\u00ED\u017E. Erbenova Kytice a s\u00E9miotick\u00E9 principy magick\u00E9ho obrazu sv\u011Bta" . "Come your ear closer to the earth. Erben's Kytice and Semiotic Principles of the Magical Picture of the World"@en . "RIV/00216208:11210/11:10111090!RIV12-MSM-11210___" . . . . "1211-975X" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Sta\u0165 ukazuje z perspektivy s\u00E9miotiky a kognitivn\u00ED lingvistiky podstatn\u00E9 principy utv\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED magick\u00E9ho obrazu sv\u011Bta Erbenovy Kytice - metaforu (souvzta\u017Enou s imitativn\u00ED magi\u00ED) a metonymii(souvzta\u017Enou s magi\u00ED kontaktn\u00ED). \u010Cetn\u00E9 p\u0159\u00EDklady vysv\u011Btluj\u00ED podstatu magick\u00E9 s\u00E9mi\u00F3zy, tj. znakov\u00E9 situace prezentovan\u00E9 v Kytici maj\u00ED ontologickou dimenzi, \u0159\u00EDd\u00ED b\u011Bh sv\u011Bta." . "Suppl. 14" . . "Z(MSM0021620825)" . "Suppl. 14" . . "11210" . "In the perspective of semiotics and cognitive linguistics, the study presents the main principles creating the magical picture of the world of Erben's Kytice: metaphor (related with imitative magic) and metonymy (related with contact magic). In many examples, the crucial principle of the magic semiosis is explained, i. e. sign situations presented in Kytice have their ontological dimension, they direct the course of the world."@en . "Z \u010Cesk\u00E9ho r\u00E1je a Podkrkono\u0161\u00ED" . . "metonymy; metaphore; cognitive linguistics; magical picture of the world; semiotics; Kytice; K. J. Erben"@en . "P\u0159ichyl ucho k zemi bl\u00ED\u017E. Erbenova Kytice a s\u00E9miotick\u00E9 principy magick\u00E9ho obrazu sv\u011Bta"@cs . . "Sta\u0165 ukazuje z perspektivy s\u00E9miotiky a kognitivn\u00ED lingvistiky podstatn\u00E9 principy utv\u00E1\u0159en\u00ED magick\u00E9ho obrazu sv\u011Bta Erbenovy Kytice - metaforu (souvzta\u017Enou s imitativn\u00ED magi\u00ED) a metonymii(souvzta\u017Enou s magi\u00ED kontaktn\u00ED). \u010Cetn\u00E9 p\u0159\u00EDklady vysv\u011Btluj\u00ED podstatu magick\u00E9 s\u00E9mi\u00F3zy, tj. znakov\u00E9 situace prezentovan\u00E9 v Kytici maj\u00ED ontologickou dimenzi, \u0159\u00EDd\u00ED b\u011Bh sv\u011Bta."@cs . . "[3066470DF04F]" . . . . "1"^^ . "Va\u0148kov\u00E1, Irena" . "P\u0159ichyl ucho k zemi bl\u00ED\u017E. Erbenova Kytice a s\u00E9miotick\u00E9 principy magick\u00E9ho obrazu sv\u011Bta" . . . "RIV/00216208:11210/11:10111090" .