"Youth and delinquency"@en . "[64E24ED6FBCD]" . . "neuveden" . "Matou\u0161ek, Old\u0159ich" . . "Ml\u00E1de\u017E a delikvence" . "P\u0159ehled poznatk\u016F o p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din\u00E1ch delikevence ml\u00E1de\u017Ee a zp\u016Fsobech reakce spole\u010Dnosti na ni." . "1"^^ . . "344"^^ . "Praha" . "RIV/00216208:11210/11:10109052!RIV12-MSM-11210___" . "P\u0159ehled poznatk\u016F o p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din\u00E1ch delikevence ml\u00E1de\u017Ee a zp\u016Fsobech reakce spole\u010Dnosti na ni."@cs . "11210" . "2"^^ . . . . "344"^^ . . . "RIV/00216208:11210/11:10109052" . . "V" . . . "Ml\u00E1de\u017E a delikvence" . "Ml\u00E1de\u017E a delikvence" . "212737" . "Ml\u00E1de\u017E a delikvence"@cs . . "Matou\u0161kov\u00E1, Andrea" . "Port\u00E1l" . . . "Ml\u00E1de\u017E a delikvence"@cs . "978-80-7367-825-8" . "delinquency; Youth"@en . "Youth and delinquency"@en . "Surway of knowledge on youth delinguency and the ways of societal reaction to this delinguency."@en .