. "La litt\u00E9rature romani en R\u00E9publique Tcheque : sources et \u00E9tat actuel" . . . . . . "FR - Francouzsk\u00E1 republika" . "[B7D845571826]" . "22"^^ . . "V" . . "Sad\u00EDlkov\u00E1, Helena" . "Romani Literature in Czech Republic: the history and contemporary developements"@en . "Romani Literature in Czech Republic: the history and contemporary developements"@en . . "36" . "Etudes tsiganes" . "1" . "0014-2247" . "11210" . . . . . "La litt\u00E9rature romani en R\u00E9publique Tcheque : sources et \u00E9tat actuel" . . "323015" . . "1"^^ . "RIV/00216208:11210/09:00200966!RIV10-MSM-11210___" . "RIV/00216208:11210/09:00200966" . . "1"^^ . "L' article debats l\u2019histoire de la litt\u00E9rature rom en R\u00E9publique Tcheque depuis les ann\u00E9es 1960 et par l\u2019exemple de cinque \u00E9crivains et leurs diff\u00E9rentes approches au motif de la communaut\u00E9e rom pr\u00E9sente les developpements contemporaines." . "The article presents a summary of the history and contemporary situation of Romani literature in CR since mid 1960\u00B4s. On the example of five authors, the changing approaches to the motive of Romani community is discussed to show some of the current developments in Romani literature."@en . "Romani; Literature; Czech; Republic; history; contemporary; developements"@en . . .