"The life after death and the immortality in Jan Patocka"@en . "1"^^ . "Paris - Milano" . "La vie apres la mort et l'immortalit\u00E9 chez Jan Pato\u010Dka" . "1"^^ . "430360" . . . "11210" . "\u010Cl\u00E1nek pojedn\u00E1v\u00E1 o Pato\u010Dkov\u011B v\u00FDkladu fenom\u00E9nu posmrtn\u00E9ho \u017Eivota jako ned\u00EDln\u00E9 sou\u010D\u00E1sti intersubjektivn\u00ED struktury lidsk\u00E9 existence. Pot\u00E9 se soust\u0159ed\u00ED na Pato\u010Dk\u016Fv v\u00FDklad platonsk\u00E9ho pojet\u00ED nesmrteln\u00E9 du\u0161e, kter\u00E9 je t\u0159eba odli\u0161ovat od fenom\u00E9nu posmrtn\u00E9ho \u017Eivota."@cs . "217;236" . "RIV/00216208:11210/07:00000734" . . "La vie apres la mort et l'immortalit\u00E9 chez Jan Pato\u010Dka" . "The paper deals with Pato\u010Dka's interpretation of the phaenomenon of life after death as an integral moment of the human being's intersubjective stucture. Subsequently it focuses on Pato\u010Dka's interpretation of the Platonic concept of the immortality of the soul to be distinguished from the phaenomenon of life after death."@en . "Mimesis" . "20"^^ . . "Posmrtn\u00FD \u017Eivot a nesmrtelnost u Jana Pato\u010Dky"@cs . . "after; death; immortality; Patocka"@en . "Posmrtn\u00FD \u017Eivot a nesmrtelnost u Jana Pato\u010Dky"@cs . "[44D7373DC465]" . "978-88-8483-501-7" . . "Z(MSM0021620824)" . . . "L'article pr\u00E9sente l'interpr\u00E9tation par Pato\u010Dka du ph\u00E9nomene de la vie apres la mort en tant aue moment int\u00E9gral de la structure intersubjective de l'existence humaine. Ensuite, il se concentre sur l'interpr\u00E9tation pato\u010Dkienne du concept platonicien de l'immortalit\u00E9 de l'ame, qui est a distinguer du phenomene de la vie apres la mort." . "Jan Pato\u010Dka. Ph\u00E9nom\u00E9nologie asubjective et existence" . . "The life after death and the immortality in Jan Patocka"@en . . . . . . "Karf\u00EDk, Filip" . . "RIV/00216208:11210/07:00000734!RIV08-MSM-11210___" . .