"RIV/00209805:_____/09:#0000109" . "Trastuzumab, breast cancer, oncogene protein HER-2, mechanism of action, drug resistance"@en . "22" . . "2" . "Trastuzumab v lie\u010Dbe karcin\u00F3mu prsn\u00EDka: mechanizmy \u00FA\u010Dinku a rezistencie" . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Svoboda, Marek" . "5"^^ . "7"^^ . . . . "[4FC1B7BC1202]" . . . . "RIV/00209805:_____/09:#0000109!RIV10-MZ0-00209805" . "5"^^ . . . "\u0160im\u00ED\u010Dkov\u00E1, Marta" . "Trastuzumab in the breast cancer treatment: efficacy and resistance mechanisms"@en . . . "Trastuzumab in the breast cancer treatment: efficacy and resistance mechanisms"@en . "P(NR8335)" . "Fabian, Pavel" . . . "Grell, Peter" . . . "Trastuzumab v lie\u010Dbe karcin\u00F3mu prsn\u00EDka: mechanizmy \u00FA\u010Dinku a rezistencie" . "0862-495X" . "Klinick\u00E1 onkologie" . . . "Vyzula, Rostislav" . . "346846" . "Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against the HER-2 receptor, was the first targeted therapy for HER-2 positive breast cancer. The treatment of HER-2 positive breast cancer in monotherapy, but mainly in combination with cytostatics trastuzumab, showed significant efficacy and increased the time to progression/relapse and overall survival. On the other hand, despite it being administered to only a selected patient population, the response rate varies in range and duration due to the primary or acquired tumor resistance to trastuzumab. Several mechanisms contributing to the drug resistance are presumed and overcoming strategies are in development. In connection with the drug resistance there are the mechanisms of trastuzumab's action on tumor cells and the search for feasible biomarkers in order to predict the response of trastuzumab-based targeted therapies. Furthermore, we present here the actual possibilities to overcome primary or acquired trastuzumab resistance."@en . "Trastuzumab, humanizovan\u00E1 monoklon\u00E1lna protil\u00E1tka proti HER-2 receptoru, bol prvou cielenou lie\u010Dbou pre pacientky s HER-2 pozit\u00EDvnym karcin\u00F3mom prsnika. Samostatne, ale hlavne v kombin\u00E1cii s chemoterapiou trastuzumab zvy\u0161uje lie\u010Debn\u00FA odpove\u010F, predl\u017Euje \u010Das do progresie/relapsu ochorenia i celkov\u00E9 pre\u017Eitie pacientok. Na strane druhej, i napriek tomu, \u017Ee je trastuzumab pod\u00E1van\u00FD \u00FAzkej vyselektovanej skupine pacientok, odpove\u010F na t\u00FAto cielen\u00FA lie\u010Dbu je variabiln\u00E1, a to ako v rozsahu, tak i v d\u013A\u017Eke trvania. Pr\u00ED\u010Dinou je existencia prim\u00E1rnej a pr\u00EDpadne vznik sekund\u00E1rnej rezistencie ochorenia vo\u010Di tejto protil\u00E1tke. Predpoklad\u00E1 sa existencia nieko\u013Ek\u00FDch mo\u017En\u00FDch mechanizmov rezistencie a vyv\u00EDjaj\u00FA sa strat\u00E9gie na ich prekonanie. S t\u00FDm \u00FAzko s\u00FAvisia mechanizmy posobenia trastuzumabu na n\u00E1dorov\u00FA bunku a mo\u017Enosti predikcie odpovedi na t\u00FAto lie\u010Dbu.V \u010Dl\u00E1nku \u010Falej pouk\u00E1\u017Eeme na aktu\u00E1lne mo\u017Enosti prekonania prim\u00E1rnej a indukovanej rezistencie k trastuzumabu." . . .