. . "4"^^ . "Leukocyte influx induction was accomplished by using four inducers: i) sterile buffered saline solution (PBS); ii) 5% glucose solution (GLU); iii) synthetic muramyl dipeptide analogue (MDP); and iv) lipopolysaccharide (LPS), administered into themammary gland lumen. The total cell counts in lavages increased after treatment by all inducers in comparison to the counts before influx induction (P<0.001). Cell counts were higher and differed significantly by MDP and LPS (P<0.01) in contrast to PBS.The highest proportion of neutrophils was induced by LPS (P<0.01). After three-hour incubation, light microscopy examination revealed the highest manifestation of neutrophil apoptosis after induction by GLU (P<0.05). Determination of early manifestationof neutrophil apoptosis revealed the lowest manifestation of neutrophil apoptosis after LPS (P<0.01). The results of late manifestation of neutrophil apoptosis revealed the highest proportion of apoptotic neutrophils after induction by GLU (P<0.05)." . "Effects of certain inducers of leukocytes migration into the bovine mammary gland on neutrophil apoptosis manifestation in a subsequent in vitro cultivation"@en . . "8"^^ . "Leukocyte influx induction was accomplished by using four inducers: i) sterile buffered saline solution (PBS); ii) 5% glucose solution (GLU); iii) synthetic muramyl dipeptide analogue (MDP); and iv) lipopolysaccharide (LPS), administered into themammary gland lumen. The total cell counts in lavages increased after treatment by all inducers in comparison to the counts before influx induction (P<0.001). Cell counts were higher and differed significantly by MDP and LPS (P<0.01) in contrast to PBS.The highest proportion of neutrophils was induced by LPS (P<0.01). After three-hour incubation, light microscopy examination revealed the highest manifestation of neutrophil apoptosis after induction by GLU (P<0.05). Determination of early manifestationof neutrophil apoptosis revealed the lowest manifestation of neutrophil apoptosis after LPS (P<0.01). The results of late manifestation of neutrophil apoptosis revealed the highest proportion of apoptotic neutrophils after induction by GLU (P<0.05)."@en . . . . "0862-8408" . "P(GA524/01/1290)" . "Influx leukocyt\u016F byl indukov\u00E1n \u010Dty\u0159mi induktory: a) steriln\u00EDm pufrovan\u00FDm fyziologick\u00FDm roztokem (PBS, b) 5% roztokem gluk\u00F3zy (GLU), c) syntetick\u00FDm analogem muramyldipeptidu (MDP) a d) lipopolysacharidem (LPS), kter\u00E9 byly aplikov\u00E1ny do lumina ml\u00E9\u010Dn\u00FDch\u017El\u00E1z. Celkov\u00FD po\u010Det bun\u011Bk v lav\u00E1\u017E\u00EDch vzrostl po aplikaci v\u0161ech induktor\u016F ve srovn\u00E1n\u00ED s po\u010Dtem p\u0159ed indukc\u00ED influxu (P<0.001). Vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED a statisticky v\u00FDznamn\u011B diferentn\u00ED byl po\u010Det bun\u011Bk po MDP a LPS (P<0.01) oproti PBS. Nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED pod\u00EDl neutrofil\u016F bylindukov\u00E1n LPS (P<0.01). Po t\u0159ech hodin\u00E1ch inkubace odchalila sv\u011Bteln\u00E1 mikroskopie nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED manifestaci apopt\u00F3zy neutrofil\u016F po indukci GLU (P<0.05). Stanoven\u00ED \u010Dasn\u00FDch projev\u016F apopt\u00F3zy neutrofil\u016F odhalilo nejni\u017E\u0161\u00ED manifestaci po LPS (P<0.01). V\u00FDsledkypozdn\u00ED manifestace apopt\u00F3zy neutrofil\u016F odhalily nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ED proporci apoptotick\u00FDch neutrofil\u016F po indukci GLU (P<0.05)."@cs . "Effects of certain inducers of leukocytes migration into the bovine mammary gland on neutrophil apoptosis manifestation in a subsequent in vitro cultivation"@en . "RIV/00027162:_____/05:06G00201!RIV06-GA0-00027162" . "[AE003F44953B]" . . . . "Ry\u0161\u00E1nek, Du\u0161an" . . . "519565" . . . "\u00DA\u010Dinek ur\u010Dit\u00FDch induk\u00E1tor\u016F migrace leukocyt\u016F do ml\u00E9\u010Dn\u00E9 \u017El\u00E1zy skotu na manifestaci neutrofilov\u00E9 apopt\u00F3zy p\u0159i n\u00E1sledn\u00ED kultivaci in vitro"@cs . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . . "Heifers; Virgin mammary gland; Leukocyte influx; Inducers; Neutrophils; Apoptosis"@en . . "54" . . "305;312" . "Effects of certain inducers of leukocytes migration into the bovine mammary gland on neutrophil apoptosis manifestation in a subsequent in vitro cultivation" . "3" . "Physiological Research" . . "RIV/00027162:_____/05:06G00201" . "\u00DA\u010Dinek ur\u010Dit\u00FDch induk\u00E1tor\u016F migrace leukocyt\u016F do ml\u00E9\u010Dn\u00E9 \u017El\u00E1zy skotu na manifestaci neutrofilov\u00E9 apopt\u00F3zy p\u0159i n\u00E1sledn\u00ED kultivaci in vitro"@cs . "Effects of certain inducers of leukocytes migration into the bovine mammary gland on neutrophil apoptosis manifestation in a subsequent in vitro cultivation" . "3"^^ .