"Hamburg, Germany" . . "2004-06-27+02:00"^^ . "4"^^ . "The results of the study was the characterization of the course of antibody response after infection with App serotype 9 in piglets with different types and levels of antigen-specific immunity and the distinguishing of colostrum-derived antibodies from post-infection antibodies on the basis of their isotype characterization. The titres of serum and bronchoalveolar lavages (BALF) immunoglobulin IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies specific for LPS App9 were determined by isotype-specific indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assays.In animals, that did not encounter App infection and did not passively ingest antigen-specific antibodies, antibody response was not recorded either in serum or in BALF. Piglets exposed to pathogen produced serum IgM and IgA in BALF, followed by IgG. Based on the assessment of specific IgM antibodies in sera and IgA antibodies in BALF, it is possible to detect subclinically infected animals, even in the presence of colostrum-derived antibodies (IgG)." . "RIV/00027162:_____/04:00011005" . "Z(MZE0002716201)" . "4"^^ . . . "V\u00FDsledkem t\u00E9to studie byl popis protil\u00E1tkov\u00E9 odpov\u011Bdi na infekci App s\u00E9rotyp 9, prob\u00EDhaj\u00EDc\u00ED u selat s r\u016Fzn\u00FDm typem a \u00FArovn\u00ED antigen specifick\u00E9 imunity a d\u00E1le rozli\u0161en\u00ED antigen-specifick\u00FDch kolostr\u00E1ln\u00EDch protil\u00E1tek od protil\u00E1tek postinfek\u010Dn\u00EDch na z\u00E1klad\u011Bjejich izotypov\u00E9 charakteristiky. Nep\u0159\u00EDmou enzymatickou imunoanal\u00FDzou byly ve vzorc\u00EDch s\u00E9ra a bronchoalveol\u00E1rn\u00EDch lav\u00E1\u017E\u00ED (BALF) m\u011B\u0159eny hladiny IgG, IgM a IgA protil\u00E1tek, specifick\u00FDch proti LPS App 9.U zv\u00ED\u0159at, kter\u00E1 se nesetkala s infekc\u00ED App a pasivn\u011B nep\u0159ijala protil\u00E1tky proti App, nebyla zaznamen\u00E1na protil\u00E1tkov\u00E1 odpov\u011B\u010F ani ve vzorc\u00EDch s\u00E9ra ani v BALF. Na kontakt s patogenem selata zareagovala tvorbou IgM v s\u00E9ru a IgA v BALF, n\u00E1sledovanou tvorbou IgG. Na z\u00E1klad\u011B sledov\u00E1n\u00ED hladin IgM v s\u00E9ru a IgA v BALF je mo\u017En\u00E9 odli\u0161it zv\u00ED\u0159ata subklinicky infikovan\u00E1, a to i v dob\u011B p\u0159\u00EDtomnosti kolostr\u00E1ln\u00EDch protil\u00E1tek (IgG)."@cs . "The results of the study was the characterization of the course of antibody response after infection with App serotype 9 in piglets with different types and levels of antigen-specific immunity and the distinguishing of colostrum-derived antibodies from post-infection antibodies on the basis of their isotype characterization. The titres of serum and bronchoalveolar lavages (BALF) immunoglobulin IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies specific for LPS App9 were determined by isotype-specific indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assays.In animals, that did not encounter App infection and did not passively ingest antigen-specific antibodies, antibody response was not recorded either in serum or in BALF. Piglets exposed to pathogen produced serum IgM and IgA in BALF, followed by IgG. Based on the assessment of specific IgM antibodies in sera and IgA antibodies in BALF, it is possible to detect subclinically infected animals, even in the presence of colostrum-derived antibodies (IgG)."@en . . . . "Germany" . "1"^^ . "Diagnostick\u00FD v\u00FDznam sledov\u00E1n\u00ED protil\u00E1tkov\u00E9 odpov\u011Bdi u aktinobacilov\u00E9 pleuropneumonie (App) selat"@cs . "Diagnostic relevance of detection of antibody response to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) infection in piglets"@en . . . "422;422" . "18th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress, June 27 - July 1, 2004, Hamburg" . "Diagnostic relevance of detection of antibody response to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) infection in piglets"@en . . "RIV/00027162:_____/04:00011005!RIV/2005/MZE/M03005/N" . "IPVS Veranstaltungs GmbH" . . . "bacterial infection;BALF;colostrum-derived antibodies;ELISA;mucosal immunity;post-infection antibodies;respiratory tract"@en . . . . "Nechv\u00E1talov\u00E1, Kate\u0159ina" . "Diagnostic relevance of detection of antibody response to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) infection in piglets" . . "Diagnostick\u00FD v\u00FDznam sledov\u00E1n\u00ED protil\u00E1tkov\u00E9 odpov\u011Bdi u aktinobacilov\u00E9 pleuropneumonie (App) selat"@cs . . . "560323" . . . "[CAA06D8C878A]" . . "Diagnostic relevance of detection of antibody response to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) infection in piglets" .