"1"^^ . "Z(MSM 153100010), Z(MSM6198959215)" . . . . "Acquisition and ecological characterization of Lactuca serriola L.germplasm collected in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom" . . "Acquisition and ecological characterization of Lactuca serriola L.germplasm collected in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom"@en . . . "7"^^ . "Dehmer, K. J." . "Expeditions were conducted in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom in 2001 (partly 1998) to study Lactuca serriola L. (prickly lettuce, compass plant) geographic distribution, ecology, habitat characteristics and occurrence of diseases and pests on this species. During these missions the seed material of L. serriola L. was collected in an east\u2013west transect of these four countries. The European transect where seeds were collected and field observations were made represents a relatively large area between 2 34¢50¢¢ W\u201317 32¢46¢¢ E and 4740¢42¢¢\u201354 04¢19¢¢ N. The seed material was used for regeneration, inclusion in the national genetic resources collections of individual countries and for research purposes in follow-up studies. During the missions, 50 locations with occurrence of L. serriola L. were visited (16 in Czech Republic and Germany, 10 in UK and 8 in the Netherlands). Individual seed lots of sixteen" . . . "Dole\u017Ealov\u00E1, I." . . "Biodiversity, Crop wild relatives, Disease occurrence, Ecology, Geographic distribution,Habitat variation, Lactuca serriola, Prickly letuce"@en . "Van de Wiel, C. M. M." . "Lebeda, A." . "Expedice zam\u011B\u0159en\u00E9 na geografick\u00E9 roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED, ekologii, variabilitu p\u0159irozen\u00E9ho prost\u0159ed\u00ED a roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED chorob a \u0161k\u016Fdc\u016F u Lactuca serriola L. byly uskute\u010Dn\u011Bny na \u00FAzem\u00ED \u010Cesk\u00E9 republiky, N\u011Bmecka., Nizozem\u00ED a Velk\u00E9 Brit\u00E1nie v roce 2001 (\u010D\u00E1ste\u010Dn\u011B i v roce 1998). B\u011Bhem t\u011Bchto expedic byl sesb\u00EDr\u00E1n semenn\u00FD materi\u00E1l nap\u0159\u00ED\u010D \u010Dty\u0159mi zem\u011Bmi. Sb\u011Brov\u00E1 oblast se nach\u00E1zela relativn\u011B ve velk\u00E9m prostoru (2_34:50 Z\u201317_32:46 V and 47_40:42\u201354_04:19 S. Semenn\u00FD materi\u00E1l byl p\u0159emno\u017Een a za\u0159azen do p\u0159\u00EDslu\u0161n\u00FDch n\u00E1rodn\u00EDch kolekc, kde byl vyz\u017Eit pro dal\u0161\u00ED studium a zkoum\u00E1n\u00ED. Bylo nav\u0161t\u00EDveno 50 lokalit, kde se vyskytovala L. serriola L. ( 16 v\u010Cesk\u00E9 republice a v N\u011Bmecku, 10 ve velk\u00E9 brit\u00E1nii, a 8 v Nizozem\u00ED). Na ka\u017Ed\u00E9m m\u00EDst\u011B byly sesb\u00EDr\u00E1ny semena ze 16 rostlin. Celkem bylo nasb\u00EDr\u00E1no 800 vzork\u016F semen. L. serriola L. f. serriola byla dominantn\u00ED na v\u0161ech lokalit\u00E1ch v \u010Cesk\u00E9 republice a N\u011Bmecku, v Nizozem\u00ED se nach\u00E1zeli v \u010Dist\u00FDch nebo sm\u00ED\u0161en\u00FDch polupac\u00EDch jak f. serriola tak f. integrifolia. Zat\u00EDmco ve Velk\u00E9 Brit\u00E1nii byla dom"@cs . . "Acquisition and ecological characterization of Lactuca serriola L.germplasm collected in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom"@en . "[4E61A0F6D4A6]" . "8"^^ . "0" . . . . . "Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution" . "0925-9864" . "Expeditions were conducted in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom in 2001 (partly 1998) to study Lactuca serriola L. (prickly lettuce, compass plant) geographic distribution, ecology, habitat characteristics and occurrence of diseases and pests on this species. During these missions the seed material of L. serriola L. was collected in an east\u2013west transect of these four countries. The European transect where seeds were collected and field observations were made represents a relatively large area between 2 34¢50¢¢ W\u201317 32¢46¢¢ E and 4740¢42¢¢\u201354 04¢19¢¢ N. The seed material was used for regeneration, inclusion in the national genetic resources collections of individual countries and for research purposes in follow-up studies. During the missions, 50 locations with occurrence of L. serriola L. were visited (16 in Czech Republic and Germany, 10 in UK and 8 in the Netherlands). Individual seed lots of sixteen"@en . "RIV/00027006:_____/07:2766" . "K\u0159\u00EDstkov\u00E1, Eva" . "408441" . "NL - Nizozemsko" . "Sb\u011Br a ekologick\u00E1 charakterizace Lactuca serriola L. \u2013 genetick\u00FDch zdroj\u016F nasb\u00EDran\u00FDch v \u010Cesk\u00E9 republice, N\u011Bmecku a Nizozem\u00ED"@cs . . "Acquisition and ecological characterization of Lactuca serriola L.germplasm collected in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and United Kingdom" . . "54" . "Sb\u011Br a ekologick\u00E1 charakterizace Lactuca serriola L. \u2013 genetick\u00FDch zdroj\u016F nasb\u00EDran\u00FDch v \u010Cesk\u00E9 republice, N\u011Bmecku a Nizozem\u00ED"@cs . . "555;562" . . . "RIV/00027006:_____/07:2766!RIV08-MSM-00027006" . . . "Astley, D." . "Van Treuren, R." .