"Repellent effects of pongam oil on settlement and oviposition of the common greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum on chrysanthemum" . . . "6"^^ . "Repelentn\u00ED a antiovipozi\u010Dn\u00ED \u00FA\u010Dinek pongamov\u00E9ho oleje na molici sklen\u00EDkovou"@cs . . "Insect Science" . "14" . . . . "Repellent effects of pongam oil on settlement and oviposition of the common greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum on chrysanthemum"@en . "GB - Spojen\u00E9 kr\u00E1lovstv\u00ED Velk\u00E9 Brit\u00E1nie a Severn\u00EDho Irska" . "Z(MZE0002700603)" . "[AFF9099D0813]" . "447390" . "1672-9609" . . "Repelentn\u00ED a antiovipozi\u010Dn\u00ED \u00FA\u010Dinek pongamov\u00E9ho oleje na molici sklen\u00EDkovou"@cs . "Odpudiv\u00E9 aktivity, vèetnì deterence a antiovipozice pongamov\u00E9ho oleje proti dospìlcùm molice sklen\u00EDkov\u00E9 Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood ve sklen\u00EDku byly testovan\u00E9. Rostliny chryzant\u00E9m byly o\u0161etøeny rùzn\u00FDmi koncentracemi (0.5% - 2.0%) suspense oleje. Olej uk\u00E1zal relativnì dlouhotrvaj\u00EDc\u00ED repelentn\u00ED a antiovipozièn\u00ED \u00FAèinky (a\u017E 12 dn\u00ED po aplikaci)."@cs . "0" . . . . "219;224" . . . "RIV/00027006:_____/07:1878!RIV08-MZE-00027006" . "The repellent activities, including host deterrence and anti-oviposion, of pongam oil against the adults of the common greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood in greenhouses were tested. Chrysanthemum plants treated with different concentrations (0.5%-2.0%) of water-suspended pongam oil showed relatively longlasting host deterrent and anti-oviposition effects on the adults of greenhouse whitefly. Although the repellent effect declined in time and concentration, strong effects on the reduction of oviposition were found, which lasts, dependent on concentration at least 12 days after application."@en . . "Repellent effects of pongam oil on settlement and oviposition of the common greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum on chrysanthemum" . "1"^^ . "Herda, G." . . "The repellent activities, including host deterrence and anti-oviposion, of pongam oil against the adults of the common greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood in greenhouses were tested. Chrysanthemum plants treated with different concentrations (0.5%-2.0%) of water-suspended pongam oil showed relatively longlasting host deterrent and anti-oviposition effects on the adults of greenhouse whitefly. Although the repellent effect declined in time and concentration, strong effects on the reduction of oviposition were found, which lasts, dependent on concentration at least 12 days after application." . . "2"^^ . "botanical insect control agent; oviposition; pongam oil; repellence; Trialeurodes vaporariorum"@en . "Pavela, Roman" . "Repellent effects of pongam oil on settlement and oviposition of the common greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum on chrysanthemum"@en . . . "RIV/00027006:_____/07:1878" .