"2"^^ . "A part of the Aegilops collection in the Gene Bank Prague was evaluated for their grain quality. Following Aegilops species were selected Ae. triuncialis, Ae. biuncialis, Ae. neglecta and Ae. geniculata. Crude protein content was performed from two year trials. SDS micro-sedimentation test and thousand grain weight (TGW) served as a criterion of grain technological quality. The average crude protein content varied between 187 and 339 mg.kg-1 d.m. and highly exceeded commercial wheat cultivars. The average for 83 accessions was 239 mg.kg-1 d.m. On the basis of previous evaluations, the top 10 tetraploid accessions were chosen for the evaluation of seed protein content and protein fractions using a modified Osborn method. The protein content varied between 290 and 330 mg.kg-1 d.m., which was three times higher than check wheat cultivars Samanta. All particular protein fraction contents were higher as well. The evaluation of relative share of protein fractions in total crude protein showed lower rati"@en . "Variabilita ve struktu\u0159e b\u00EDlkovin u druh\u016F Aegilops"@cs . "1212-1975" . . . . "RIV/00027006:_____/05:39!RIV08-MZE-00027006" . "\u010C\u00E1st kolekce rodu Aegilops z Genov\u00E9 banky byla hodnocena vzhledem ke kvalit\u011B zrna. byly vybr\u00E1ny n\u00E1sleduj\u00EDc\u00ED druhy rodu Aegylops (Ae. triuncialis, Ae. biuncialis, Ae. neglecta and Ae. geniculata). Obsah hrub\u00FDch b\u00EDlkovin byl zhodnocen z dvoulet\u00FDch pokus\u016F. SDS mikrosedimenta\u010Dn\u00ED test a HTZ slou\u017Eily jako krit\u00E9ria technologick\u00E9 kvality zrna. Pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u00FD obsah hrub\u00FDch b\u00EDlkovin kol\u00EDsl v rozmez\u00ED 187 and 339 mg.kg-1 na su\u0161inu a vysoce p\u0159evy\u0161oval hodnoty u komer\u010Dn\u00EDch odr\u016Fd p\u0161enice. Pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\u00E1 hodnota b\u00EDlkovin u 83 polo\u017Eek byla 239 mg.kg-1. Na z\u00E1klad\u011B t\u011Bchto pokus\u016F bylo vybr\u00E1no deset nejlep\u0161\u00EDch tetraploidn\u00EDch z\u00E1stupc\u016F pro hodnocen\u00ED celkov\u00E9ho proteinu a b\u00EDlkovinn\u00FDch frakc\u00ED sledovan\u00FDch dle Osbornovy metody. Obsah b\u00EDlkovin kol\u00EDsal mezi 290 a\u017E 330 mg.kg-1 na su\u0161inu zrna a byl v pr\u016Fm\u011Bru 3 kr\u00E1t vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E u kontroln\u00ED odr\u016Fdy p\u0161enice Samanta. Rovn\u011B\u017E obsahy jednotliv\u00FDch frakc\u00ED b\u00EDlkovin byly vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED. Relativn\u00ED zastoupen\u00ED albumino-globulinov\u00E9 frakce v b\u00EDlkovin\u011B byl v p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B z\u00E1stupc\u016F rodu Aegylops ni\u017E\u0161\u00ED ve srovn\u00E1n\u00ED s kontrolou. V"@cs . . "P(1G46066)" . . "Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding" . "0" . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . "Protein structure variability of Aegilops species" . "Protein structure variability of Aegilops species" . "Protein structure variability of Aegilops species"@en . "A part of the Aegilops collection in the Gene Bank Prague was evaluated for their grain quality. Following Aegilops species were selected Ae. triuncialis, Ae. biuncialis, Ae. neglecta and Ae. geniculata. Crude protein content was performed from two year trials. SDS micro-sedimentation test and thousand grain weight (TGW) served as a criterion of grain technological quality. The average crude protein content varied between 187 and 339 mg.kg-1 d.m. and highly exceeded commercial wheat cultivars. The average for 83 accessions was 239 mg.kg-1 d.m. On the basis of previous evaluations, the top 10 tetraploid accessions were chosen for the evaluation of seed protein content and protein fractions using a modified Osborn method. The protein content varied between 290 and 330 mg.kg-1 d.m., which was three times higher than check wheat cultivars Samanta. All particular protein fraction contents were higher as well. The evaluation of relative share of protein fractions in total crude protein showed lower rati" . "Aegilops; protein fractions; quality; gliadins; glutenins"@en . . . "Holubec, Vojt\u011Bch" . . "Protein structure variability of Aegilops species"@en . "Variabilita ve struktu\u0159e b\u00EDlkovin u druh\u016F Aegilops"@cs . . . . "41" . . . "Dvo\u0159\u00E1\u010Dek, V\u00E1clav" . "2"^^ . . . "[F268464BF0E6]" . "539377" . . "RIV/00027006:_____/05:39" . "184;188" . "5"^^ . . .