"695;710" . "Byl zpracov\u00E1n souhrn o tr\u00E1vic\u00EDch enzymech skladi\u0161tn\u00EDch a prachov\u00FDch rozto\u010D\u016F s z\u0159etelem na fyziologick\u00E9 podm\u00EDnky v jejich st\u0159evech. Ve ventrikulu rozto\u010D\u016F je m\u00EDrn\u011B kysel\u00E9 prost\u0159ed\u00ED, zat\u00EDmco kolon a poskolon poskytuje lehce z\u00E1sadit\u00E9 prost\u0159ed\u00ED. Tr\u00E1vic\u00ED enzymy tvo\u0159\u00ED skupinu nejd\u016Fle\u017Eit\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch alergen\u016F u obou skupin rozto\u010D\u016F - skladi\u0161tn\u00EDch i prachov\u00FDch. Prote\u00E1zy rozto\u010D\u016F p\u0159edstavuj\u00ED cysteinov\u00E9 a serinov\u00E9 prote\u00E1zy, aminopeptid\u00E1zy a karboxypeptid\u00E1zy. Glykozid\u00E1zy jsou zastoupeny amyl\u00E1zami, alfa a beta-glukozid\u00E1zami, trehal\u00E1zou, chitin\u00E1zou a lysozymem."@cs . . . . "16"^^ . . . "digestion, enzyme, inhibitor, allergens, detection, mites"@en . "Hubert, Jan" . . "Stejskal, V\u00E1clav" . "P(1P04OC853.003)" . . "RIV/00027006:_____/05:207!RIV06-MSM-00027006" . . "4"^^ . . . "P\u0159ehled tr\u00E1vic\u00EDch enzym\u016F skladi\u0161tn\u00EDch a prachov\u00FDch rozto\u010D\u016F"@cs . "P\u0159ehled tr\u00E1vic\u00EDch enzym\u016F skladi\u0161tn\u00EDch a prachov\u00FDch rozto\u010D\u016F"@cs . "14" . "4"^^ . . "Review of digestive enzymes of stored product and house dust mites"@en . . . . "Review of digestive enzymes of stored product and house dust mites"@en . "541045" . "The digestive enzymes or stored product and house dust mites (Acari: Acaridicla) as well as the physiological conditions in their gut are reviewed. The gut of mites offers low acid environment in the ventriculus and neutral or low alkaline environment in the colon and postcolon. Digestive enzymes form the most important group of allergens in both stored product and house dust mites. The proteases of mites include both cystein and serin proteases, aminopeptidases and carboxypeptidases. Amylases, alfa + beta glucosidases, trehalase, chitinase and lysozyme represent the glycosidases of mites. The digestion of cellulose was discussed in relation to associated microflora. The medical and economical aspects or digestive enzymes are discussed." . . "RIV/00027006:_____/05:207" . . "The digestive enzymes or stored product and house dust mites (Acari: Acaridicla) as well as the physiological conditions in their gut are reviewed. The gut of mites offers low acid environment in the ventriculus and neutral or low alkaline environment in the colon and postcolon. Digestive enzymes form the most important group of allergens in both stored product and house dust mites. The proteases of mites include both cystein and serin proteases, aminopeptidases and carboxypeptidases. Amylases, alfa + beta glucosidases, trehalase, chitinase and lysozyme represent the glycosidases of mites. The digestion of cellulose was discussed in relation to associated microflora. The medical and economical aspects or digestive enzymes are discussed."@en . . . "Review of digestive enzymes of stored product and house dust mites" . "Phytophaga" . . "0393-8131" . "IT - Italsk\u00E1 republika" . . "[E838F89836D9]" . "2004" . "Kudl\u00EDkov\u00E1, Iva" . "Review of digestive enzymes of stored product and house dust mites" .