. . "Hydrogeological and hydrochemical maps of Ethiopia"@en . . "RIV/00025798:_____/12:00000382!RIV13-MSM-00025798" . "hydrogeology, on-line map services, Ethiopia, Africa, hydrochemistry"@en . "RIV/00025798:_____/12:00000382" . "\u010Coupek, Petr" . . "Hydrogeological and hydrochemical maps of Ethiopia" . . "140044" . "c" . . "Geodatab\u00E1ze PostGIS 8.3 , mapov\u00FD server, p\u0159idru\u017Een\u00FD redak\u010Dn\u00ED syst\u00E9m vytvo\u0159en v jazyce Perl" . "Hydrogeological and hydrochemical maps of Ethiopia"@en . "2"^^ . . "P\u0159\u00EDm\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDstup k hydrogeologick\u00FDm informac\u00EDm bez nutnosti tisku map a vysv\u011Btlivek pro odbornou i laickou ve\u0159ejnost." . . "2"^^ . . "[D661D20A7B66]" . . "Ethiopia is a country affected by environmental degradation including recurrent droughts which lead to food insecurity, and drought stricken areas have been constantly degraded over the past several decades by improper utilization of natural resources. The results of hydrogeological mapping made by Aquatest a.s. and Czech Geological Survey specialists in recent period are published in form web map services and comprehensive web pages, including dynamic legend and explanatory notes in PDF format."@en . "Ambrozek, Vladim\u00EDr" . . . . . . . "Ethiopia is a country affected by environmental degradation including recurrent droughts which lead to food insecurity, and drought stricken areas have been constantly degraded over the past several decades by improper utilization of natural resources. The results of hydrogeological mapping made by Aquatest a.s. and Czech Geological Survey specialists in recent period are published in form web map services and comprehensive web pages, including dynamic legend and explanatory notes in PDF format." . . . "http://onegeo.geology.cz/app/etiopie/" . "Hydrogeological and hydrochemical maps of Ethiopia" . . "N" . .