"New Silurian nautiloids Phragmoceras Broderip, 1839 and Tubiferoceras Hedstr\u00F6m, 1917 from the Prague Basin (Bohemia)" . "1"^^ . . "437218" . . "CZ - \u010Cesk\u00E1 republika" . . . . . . "13"^^ . . "Bulletin of Geosciences" . . "Manda, \u0160t\u011Bp\u00E1n" . . "RIV/00025798:_____/07:00000026!RIV08-MZP-00025798" . . "New Silurian nautiloids Phragmoceras Broderip, 1839 and Tubiferoceras Hedstr\u00F6m, 1917 from the Prague Basin (Bohemia)"@en . . "The morphologically distinct nautiloid genera Phragmoceras and Tubiferoceras with an endogastric brevicone shell and a contracted aperture are characteristic components of the Silurian tropical faunas of Baltica and Laurentia. Seven previously known species of Phragmoceras from the Prague Basin are mainly from cephalopod limestones of the Ludlow age. Amongst these, two species are recorded from beyond the Prague Basin. P. imbricatum is recognised in Avalonia and Baltica and its geographic distribution suggests a palaeobiogeographical connection across the Rheic Ocean during the earlier Ludlow time. This paper deals with several phragmocerids from the Prague Basin which have not been recorded before. These species are closely related or conspecific to those described from Baltica, Ireland or Wales and indicate an open seaway between the Prague Basin and Baltica, Laurentia and Avalonia, respectively, since the latest Llandovery." . . "New Silurian nautiloids Phragmoceras Broderip, 1839 and Tubiferoceras Hedstr\u00F6m, 1917 from the Prague Basin (Bohemia)" . "Silur\u0161t\u00ED nautiloidi Phragmoceras a Tubiferoceras s endogastrickou brevikonn\u00ED schr\u00E1nkou a z\u016F\u017Een\u00FDm \u00FAst\u00EDm jsou charakteristick\u00FDm prvkem tropick\u00FDch faun Baltiky a Laurencie. 7 z pra\u017Esk\u00E9 p\u00E1nve d\u0159\u00EDve zn\u00E1m\u00FDch druh\u016F se vyskytuje v hlavono\u017Ecov\u00FDch v\u00E1penc\u00EDch ludlowu. Mezi nimi jen dva druhy byly rozpozn\u00E1ny mimo pra\u017Eskou p\u00E1nev. P. imbricatum byl pops\u00E1n z Avalonie a Baltiky, jeho geografick\u00E9 roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED tedy nazna\u010Duje v\u00FDm\u011Bnu faun nap\u0159\u00ED\u010D rheick\u00FDm oce\u00E1nem b\u011Bhem \u010Dasn\u00E9ho Ludlowu. V t\u00E9to pr\u00E1ci je poprv\u00E9 pops\u00E1no 7 dal\u0161\u00EDch druh\u016F fragmocerid\u016F z pra\u017Esk\u00E9 p\u00E1nve, kter\u00E9 jsou fylogeneticky p\u0159\u00EDbuzn\u00E9 s druhy d\u0159\u00EDve popsan\u00FDmi z Baltiky, Irska a Walesu a indikuj\u00ED tedy otev\u0159enou mo\u0159skou cestu mezi pra\u017Eskou p\u00E1nv\u00ED a paleokontinenty Baltica, Laurencia a Avalonia po\u010D\u00EDnaje nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00EDm Llandoverem."@cs . "[9A9143D2D672]" . "New Silurian nautiloids Phragmoceras Broderip, 1839 and Tubiferoceras Hedstr\u00F6m, 1917 from the Prague Basin (Bohemia)"@en . . "The morphologically distinct nautiloid genera Phragmoceras and Tubiferoceras with an endogastric brevicone shell and a contracted aperture are characteristic components of the Silurian tropical faunas of Baltica and Laurentia. Seven previously known species of Phragmoceras from the Prague Basin are mainly from cephalopod limestones of the Ludlow age. Amongst these, two species are recorded from beyond the Prague Basin. P. imbricatum is recognised in Avalonia and Baltica and its geographic distribution suggests a palaeobiogeographical connection across the Rheic Ocean during the earlier Ludlow time. This paper deals with several phragmocerids from the Prague Basin which have not been recorded before. These species are closely related or conspecific to those described from Baltica, Ireland or Wales and indicate an open seaway between the Prague Basin and Baltica, Laurentia and Avalonia, respectively, since the latest Llandovery."@en . . "2" . . . "RIV/00025798:_____/07:00000026" . "82" . "1214-1119" . "119-131" . "Nov\u00ED silur\u0161t\u00ED nautiloidi Phragmoceras Broderip, 1839 a Tubiferoceras Hedstr\u00F6m, 1917 z pra\u017Esk\u00E9 p\u00E1nve (\u010Cechy)"@cs . . . "Nautiloidea, Discosorida, new taxa, palaeobiogeography, Silurian, Prague Basin"@en . "P(GA205/06/1367), Z(MZP0002579801)" . . "Nov\u00ED silur\u0161t\u00ED nautiloidi Phragmoceras Broderip, 1839 a Tubiferoceras Hedstr\u00F6m, 1917 z pra\u017Esk\u00E9 p\u00E1nve (\u010Cechy)"@cs . "1"^^ .