. "RIV/00025615:_____/99:00010902" . . . "1"^^ . "Neuveden" . . "IAG Section IV has primarily a methodological character. It was given its title at the 18th General Assembly of the IUGG in Hamburg, 1983. The scope of the Section is not confined to one particular topic in geodesy which would be peculiar to this section only, but rather all topics are shared with other IAG sections, with the accent pointing towards the systematic mathematical treatment of geodetic problems. In particular the IAG put emphasis on the following tasks of the Section: general mathematical models for geodesy, statistical and numerical analysis, data processing and management, optimization methods, least squares methods, differential and integral theories of the gravity filed. The past four years have been a productive period. The structure which made it possible for this Section to fulfill its mandate consists of one special commission and five special study groups. The structure is described with all details in a special issue of the Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 70, No. 12, 1996."@en . . . "Sekce 4 IAG m\u00E1 p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm metodick\u00FD charakter. Sv\u016Fj n\u00E1zev z\u00EDskala na 18. valn\u00E9ho shrom\u00E1\u017Ed\u011Bn\u00ED IUGG v Hamburku v r. 1983. Pole p\u016Fsoben\u00ED sekce se neomezuje jen na jedno jedin\u00E1 t\u00E9ma v geod\u00E9zii, kter\u00E9 by bylo ur\u010Ditou jej\u00ED specialitou, naopak sekce sp\u00ED\u0161e sd\u00EDl\u00ED s ostatn\u00EDmi sekcemi IAG v\u0161echna t\u00E9mata s d\u016Frazem na systematick\u00FD matematick\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDstup ke geodetick\u00FDm probl\u00E9m\u016Fm. IAG zvl\u00E1\u0161t\u011B zd\u016Fraz\u0148uje n\u00E1sleduj\u00EDc\u00ED oblasti pro \u010Dinnost sekce: obecn\u00E9 matematick\u00E9 modely pro geod\u00E9zii, statistick\u00E1 a numerick\u00E1 anal\u00FDza, zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED a organizace dat, optimaliza\u010Dn\u00ED metody, metoda nejmen\u0161\u00EDch \u010Dtverc\u016F, diferenci\u00E1ln\u00ED a integr\u00E1ln\u00ED teorie pole. V pr\u00E1ci sekce byly posledn\u00ED \u010Dty\u0159i roky velmi produktivn\u00EDm obdob\u00EDm. Struktura, kter\u00E1 sekci umo\u017E\u0148uje napl\u0148ovat jej\u00ED mand\u00E1t sest\u00E1v\u00E1 z jedn\u00E9 speci\u00E1ln\u00ED komise a p\u011Bti studijn\u00EDch skupin. Se v\u0161emi detaily je tato struktura pops\u00E1na ve speci\u00E1ln\u00EDm \u010D\u00EDsle \u010Dasopisu Journal of Geodesy, ro\u010D. 70, \u010D. 12, 1996."@cs . . . . "Report on International Association of Geodesy Section IV - General Theory and Methodology - for the period 1995-1999"@en . . "P(LA 015)" . "International Association of Geodesy" . . "Report on International Association of Geodesy Section IV - General Theory and Methodology - for the period 1995-1999"@en . . "IAG Section IV has primarily a methodological character. It was given its title at the 18th General Assembly of the IUGG in Hamburg, 1983. The scope of the Section is not confined to one particular topic in geodesy which would be peculiar to this section only, but rather all topics are shared with other IAG sections, with the accent pointing towards the systematic mathematical treatment of geodetic problems. In particular the IAG put emphasis on the following tasks of the Section: general mathematical models for geodesy, statistical and numerical analysis, data processing and management, optimization methods, least squares methods, differential and integral theories of the gravity filed. The past four years have been a productive period. The structure which made it possible for this Section to fulfill its mandate consists of one special commission and five special study groups. The structure is described with all details in a special issue of the Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 70, No. 12, 1996." . . "RIV/00025615:_____/99:00010902!RIV/2005/MSM/C01005/N" . "752709" . "Report on International Association of Geodesy Section IV - General Theory and Methodology - for the period 1995-1999" . . "International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics;IAG;theory and methodology;mathematical and physical foundations of geodesy"@en . "Zpr\u00E1va 4. sekce Mezin\u00E1rodn\u00ED asociace geod\u00E9zie"@cs . . . "Report on International Association of Geodesy Section IV - General Theory and Methodology - for the period 1995-1999" . . "[332CAA4C4075]" . "IAG Travaux, Volume 31" . "1"^^ . "Holota, Petr" . "Zpr\u00E1va 4. sekce Mezin\u00E1rodn\u00ED asociace geod\u00E9zie"@cs .