. . "Stolet\u00ED N\u00E1rodn\u00EDho technick\u00E9ho muzea" . "1"^^ . "Laboutkov\u00E1, Irena" . "Rozpravy N\u00E1rodn\u00EDho technick\u00E9ho muzea v Praze 218, D\u011Bjiny v\u011Bdy a techniky 16" . "Um\u011Bleck\u00E1 litina se stala v 1. polovin\u011B 19. stolet\u00ED jedn\u00EDm z charakteristick\u00FDch rys\u016F st\u0159edoevropsk\u00E9ho biedermeieru. Sv\u00E9 postaven\u00ED obl\u00EDben\u00E9ho interi\u00E9rov\u00E9ho i exteri\u00E9rov\u00E9ho prvku si zachovala prakticky a\u017E do z\u00E1v\u011Bru 19. stolet\u00ED, kdy s preferov\u00E1n\u00EDm barevn\u00FDch kov\u016F a nov\u00FDch technologick\u00FDch postup\u016F p\u0159i zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED \u017Eeleza i se sou\u010Dasnou prom\u011Bnou spole\u010Densk\u00E9ho vkusu, do\u0161lo k postupn\u00E9mu \u00FAstupu litiny jako v\u0161estrann\u011B pou\u017Eiteln\u00E9ho materi\u00E1lu. Z t\u011Bchto a dal\u0161\u00EDch p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din do\u0161lo ke zru\u0161en\u00ED star\u00FDch, d\u0159\u00EDve proslul\u00FDch sl\u00E9v\u00E1ren um\u011Bleck\u00E9 litiny nebo reorganizaci jejich v\u00FDrobn\u00EDch program\u016F. Sta\u0165 porovn\u00E1v\u00E1 historii nejv\u00FDznamn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch st\u0159edoevropsk\u00FDch sl\u00E9v\u00E1ren um\u011Bleck\u00E9 litiny b\u011Bhem 19. stolet\u00ED a dot\u00FDk\u00E1 se osud\u016F n\u011Bkolika v\u00FDjime\u010Dn\u00FDch osobnost\u00ED tehdej\u0161\u00EDho \u017Eelez\u00E1\u0159stv\u00ED, kter\u00E9 podstatn\u00FDm zp\u016Fsobem zas\u00E1hly do rozvoje sl\u00E9v\u00E1renstv\u00ED. Ukazuje, \u017Ee \u010Desk\u00E1 um\u011Bleck\u00E1 litina nese v porovn\u00E1n\u00ED s ostatn\u00ED st\u0159edoevropskou produkc\u00ED t\u00E9 doby podobn\u00E9 rysy a je s n\u00ED propojena v\u00EDce, \u017Ee se d\u0159\u00EDve p\u0159edpokl\u00E1dalo."@cs . . . "332"^^ . "[6BAAA1C45150]" . "1"^^ . "V" . "RIV/00023299:_____/11:#0000227!RIV12-MK0-00023299" . . . "978-80-7037-208-1" . "RIV/00023299:_____/11:#0000227" . . . . "The Central European Decorative Cast Iron in the 19th Century"@en . "Um\u011Bleck\u00E1 litina se stala v 1. polovin\u011B 19. stolet\u00ED jedn\u00EDm z charakteristick\u00FDch rys\u016F st\u0159edoevropsk\u00E9ho biedermeieru. Sv\u00E9 postaven\u00ED obl\u00EDben\u00E9ho interi\u00E9rov\u00E9ho i exteri\u00E9rov\u00E9ho prvku si zachovala prakticky a\u017E do z\u00E1v\u011Bru 19. stolet\u00ED, kdy s preferov\u00E1n\u00EDm barevn\u00FDch kov\u016F a nov\u00FDch technologick\u00FDch postup\u016F p\u0159i zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED \u017Eeleza i se sou\u010Dasnou prom\u011Bnou spole\u010Densk\u00E9ho vkusu, do\u0161lo k postupn\u00E9mu \u00FAstupu litiny jako v\u0161estrann\u011B pou\u017Eiteln\u00E9ho materi\u00E1lu. Z t\u011Bchto a dal\u0161\u00EDch p\u0159\u00ED\u010Din do\u0161lo ke zru\u0161en\u00ED star\u00FDch, d\u0159\u00EDve proslul\u00FDch sl\u00E9v\u00E1ren um\u011Bleck\u00E9 litiny nebo reorganizaci jejich v\u00FDrobn\u00EDch program\u016F. Sta\u0165 porovn\u00E1v\u00E1 historii nejv\u00FDznamn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch st\u0159edoevropsk\u00FDch sl\u00E9v\u00E1ren um\u011Bleck\u00E9 litiny b\u011Bhem 19. stolet\u00ED a dot\u00FDk\u00E1 se osud\u016F n\u011Bkolika v\u00FDjime\u010Dn\u00FDch osobnost\u00ED tehdej\u0161\u00EDho \u017Eelez\u00E1\u0159stv\u00ED, kter\u00E9 podstatn\u00FDm zp\u016Fsobem zas\u00E1hly do rozvoje sl\u00E9v\u00E1renstv\u00ED. Ukazuje, \u017Ee \u010Desk\u00E1 um\u011Bleck\u00E1 litina nese v porovn\u00E1n\u00ED s ostatn\u00ED st\u0159edoevropskou produkc\u00ED t\u00E9 doby podobn\u00E9 rysy a je s n\u00ED propojena v\u00EDce, \u017Ee se d\u0159\u00EDve p\u0159edpokl\u00E1dalo." . . "In the first half of the 19th century, decorative cast iron became one of the distinctive features of the central European Biedermeier. The matter retained its role of favoured interior and exterior element until the end of the 19th century; at that time, a gradual decline of cast iron occurred, hand in hand with prioritisation of non-ferrous metals and new technological procedures of iron processing, as well as with the transformation of the style of the time. For these and other reasons, the old and earlier renowned decorative cast iron foundries were either shut down or their production programmes were reorganized. The paper compares the histories of the most significant central European decorative cast iron foundries in the course of the 19th century. Also it touches on the life stories of several distinguished personalities of the iron industry of that time, who were substantially involved in the development of metal casting. It can be seen that the Czech decorative cast iron has similar attributes to the other central European production of that time and is linked to it more than it has been presumed until now."@en . . "19th Century, Biedermeier, Iron"@en . "St\u0159edoevropsk\u00E1 um\u011Bleck\u00E1 litina 19. stolet\u00ED" . "St\u0159edoevropsk\u00E1 um\u011Bleck\u00E1 litina 19. stolet\u00ED" . . "N\u00E1rodn\u00ED technick\u00E9 muzeum" . . "Praha" . . "232560" . "22"^^ . "St\u0159edoevropsk\u00E1 um\u011Bleck\u00E1 litina 19. stolet\u00ED"@cs . "St\u0159edoevropsk\u00E1 um\u011Bleck\u00E1 litina 19. stolet\u00ED"@cs . . "The Central European Decorative Cast Iron in the 19th Century"@en .