. . . . . "ResIS system is designed for comprehensive processing and presentation of documentation aimed to physical condition of library holdings. In the context of a system ResIS project is solved issue of terminology and description of digital copies. According to the proposed conceptual map was made the choice of a suitable metadata format. The mapping of selected metadata elements set in the range of TEI P5 ENRICH schema is described in detail, designed in a hierarchical structure. The result of analysis is then to create a new XML schema that is fully compatible with international standard TEI P5. The system ResIS is based on a digital archive with more than 31 thousand digital documents from the field of restoration and preservation of historical collections. Metadata interoperability is supported by a newly established XML schema, which is implemented into the metadata container METS. Long-term data preservation is one of the advantages of ResIS system. The system is also used retrospective way in processing of documentation records from different time periods." . "Restoration Information System ResIS"@en . "Restoration Information System ResIS"@en . . "I, Z(MK00002322103)" . . "Restaur\u00E1torsk\u00FD Informa\u010Dn\u00ED Syst\u00E9m ResIS"@cs . . "N\u00E1rodn\u00ED knihovna \u010CR" . . . "RIV/00023221:_____/11:#0000227!RIV12-MK0-00023221" . "ResIS system is designed for comprehensive processing and presentation of documentation aimed to physical condition of library holdings. In the context of a system ResIS project is solved issue of terminology and description of digital copies. According to the proposed conceptual map was made the choice of a suitable metadata format. The mapping of selected metadata elements set in the range of TEI P5 ENRICH schema is described in detail, designed in a hierarchical structure. The result of analysis is then to create a new XML schema that is fully compatible with international standard TEI P5. The system ResIS is based on a digital archive with more than 31 thousand digital documents from the field of restoration and preservation of historical collections. Metadata interoperability is supported by a newly established XML schema, which is implemented into the metadata container METS. Long-term data preservation is one of the advantages of ResIS system. The system is also used retrospective way in processing of documentation records from different time periods."@cs . . . "V\u00FDzkum a v\u00FDvoj nov\u00FDch postup\u016F v ochran\u011B a konzervaci p\u00EDsemn\u00FDch pam\u00E1tek (2005-2011) : sborn\u00EDk p\u0159\u00EDsp\u011Bvk\u016F z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00E9ho semin\u00E1\u0159e k v\u00FDzkumn\u00E9mu z\u00E1m\u011Bru MK00002322103" . . . "Syst\u00E9m ResIS je navr\u017Een pro komplexn\u00ED zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED a prezentaci dokumentace fyzick\u00E9ho stavu knihovn\u00EDch exempl\u00E1\u0159\u016F. V souvislosti s n\u00E1vrhem syst\u00E9mu ResIS je \u0159e\u0161ena problematika terminologie a popisu digit\u00E1ln\u00EDch kopi\u00ED. Podle navr\u017Een\u00E9 pojmov\u00E9 mapy byl proveden v\u00FDb\u011Br vhodn\u00E9ho metadatov\u00E9ho form\u00E1tu. Podrobn\u011B je pops\u00E1no mapov\u00E1n\u00ED vybran\u00FDch metadatov\u00FDch prvk\u016F, ustanoven\u00FDch v rozsahu sch\u00E9matu TEI P5 ENRICH, na navr\u017Eenou hierarchickou strukturu. V\u00FDsledkem anal\u00FDzy je pak vytvo\u0159en\u00ED nov\u00E9ho XML sch\u00E9matu, kter\u00E9 je pln\u011B kompatibiln\u00ED s mezin\u00E1rodn\u00EDm standardem TEI P5. Z\u00E1kladem syst\u00E9mu ResIS je digit\u00E1ln\u00ED archiv s v\u00EDce ne\u017E 31 tis\u00EDci digit\u00E1ln\u00EDmi dokumenty z oblasti restaurov\u00E1n\u00ED a ochrany historick\u00FDch fond\u016F. Metadatov\u00E1 interoperabilita je podporov\u00E1na nov\u011B vyvinut\u00FDm XML sch\u00E9matem, kter\u00E9 je implementov\u00E1no do metadatov\u00E9ho kontejneru METS. Zabezpe\u010Den\u00ED dlouhodob\u00E9 ochrany dat je jednou z p\u0159ednost\u00ED syst\u00E9mu ResIS. Syst\u00E9m je vyu\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n tak\u00E9 retrospektivn\u00EDm zp\u016Fsobem p\u0159i zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED dokumenta\u010Dn\u00EDch z\u00E1znam\u016F z r\u016Fzn\u00FDch \u010Dasov\u00FDch obdob\u00ED."@en . . "RIV/00023221:_____/11:#0000227" . . "Restaur\u00E1torsk\u00FD Informa\u010Dn\u00ED Syst\u00E9m ResIS" . . "1"^^ . . "24"^^ . . . "Restoration Information System ResIS, documentation of physical condition, restoration documentation, historical collections, surrogates, ontology, taxonomy, terminology, conceptual map, metadata format, TEI P5, METS, web applications, client applications, XML"@en . . "978-80-7050-603-5" . . . "Novotn\u00FD, Jan" . . "226797" . "Praha" . "Restaur\u00E1torsk\u00FD Informa\u010Dn\u00ED Syst\u00E9m ResIS"@cs . . "Praha" . . . "1"^^ . . "[903F7BA1A69A]" . "2011-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "Restaur\u00E1torsk\u00FD Informa\u010Dn\u00ED Syst\u00E9m ResIS" . .