"2014-01-01+01:00"^^ . "The grant proposals can be submitted to the public tender only under conditions defined by Law No. 130/2002 Sb. and the guidelines for standard projects for 2014. The institution of the principle investigator has the right to resign from the public tender at any time by submitting the information about his/her decision to the GACR the very same way as he/she submitted the grant proposal. GACR has the right to cancel the public tender under the conditions defined by Law No. 130/2002 Sb. Any breach of the conditions defined in guidelines for standard projects for 2014 can be a reason for elimination the grant proposal from the public tender as defined in Law No. 130/2002 Sb. A submission of a grant proposal, which was already awarded in accordance with Law No. 130/2002 Sb. or a duplicate submission of a grant proposal in the same year can be a reason for elimination the grant proposal from the public tender."@en . "Obchodn\u00ED v\u011Bstn\u00EDk"@cs . . "1980000"^^ . . "Obchodn\u00ED v\u011Bstn\u00EDk"@en . . "Do ve\u0159ejn\u00E9 sout\u011B\u017Ee (VS) je mo\u017En\u00E9 pod\u00E1vat n\u00E1vrhy pouze za podm\u00EDnek definovan\u00FDch z\u00E1konem \u010D. 130/2002 Sb. a zad\u00E1vac\u00ED dokumentac\u00ED pro standardn\u00ED projekty na rok 2014. Uchaze\u010D m\u016F\u017Ee z VS kdykoliv odstoupit t\u00EDm, \u017Ee tuto skute\u010Dnost ozn\u00E1m\u00ED poskytovateli zp\u016Fsobem stejn\u00FDm, jako se pod\u00E1v\u00E1 n\u00E1vrh projektu. Poskytovatel m\u016F\u017Ee VS zru\u0161it za podm\u00EDnek definovan\u00FDch z\u00E1konem \u010D. 130/2002 Sb. Jak\u00E9koliv poru\u0161en\u00ED nebo nedodr\u017Een\u00ED podm\u00EDnek definovan\u00FDch zad\u00E1vac\u00ED dokumentac\u00ED pro standardn\u00ED projekty na rok 2014 je d\u016Fvodem k vy\u0159azen\u00ED n\u00E1vrhu grantov\u00E9ho projektu z VS podle z\u00E1kona \u010D. 130/2002 Sb. Pod\u00E1n\u00ED n\u00E1vrhu projektu, kter\u00FD ji\u017E z\u00EDskal \u00FA\u010Delovou podporu podle z\u00E1kona \u010D. 130/2002 Sb. nebo kter\u00FD je v dan\u00E9m kalend\u00E1\u0159n\u00EDm roce pod\u00E1n duplicitn\u011B nebo v\u00EDcen\u00E1sobn\u011B do VS poskytovatele, je d\u016Fvodem k vy\u0159azen\u00ED n\u00E1vrhu grantov\u00E9ho projektu z VS."@cs . "Obchodn\u00ED v\u011Bstn\u00EDk"@cs . . . . "2043"^^ . . . "http://www.gacr.cz"^^ . "2013-12-13+01:00"^^ . "1739220"^^ . "The result of the public tender will be announced on the website of GACR at the end of the public tender period."@en . "2013-03-06+01:00"^^ . "2014-05-25+02:00"^^ . "2013-04-18 23:59"^^ . . . "N\u00E1vrh projektu se pod\u00E1v\u00E1 v elektronick\u00E9 podob\u011B ve form\u00E1tu PDF prost\u0159ednictv\u00EDm datov\u00E9 schr\u00E1nky nejd\u0159\u00EDve prvn\u00ED den sout\u011B\u017En\u00ED lh\u016Fty a nejpozd\u011Bji posledn\u00ED den sout\u011B\u017En\u00ED lh\u016Fty. Dod\u00E1vka datovou schr\u00E1nkou bude ozna\u010Dena v poli \u201EV\u011Bc\u201C textem \u201EStandardn\u00ED projekt\u201C."@cs . "2080"^^ . "The qualifications of the applicant; especially technical facilities of workplace; scientific and publication level of the applicant and his colleagues; contribution to the scientific field; results achieved in previous career. The quality of proposal (proposed targets and planned deliverables, clear conception, preparation and adequacy of the proposed methodology; the international cooperation; previous cooperation with the GACR), appropriateness of the financial costs."@en . "V\u00FDsledky ve\u0159ejn\u00E9 sout\u011B\u017Ee budou vyhl\u00E1\u0161eny do konce hodnot\u00EDc\u00ED lh\u016Fty zve\u0159ejn\u011Bn\u00EDm na internetov\u00E9 adrese GA \u010CR http://www.gacr.cz/."@cs . . "Zp\u016Fsobilost uchaze\u010De - zejm\u00E9na technick\u00E9 a institucion\u00E1ln\u00ED z\u00E1zem\u00ED pracovi\u0161\u0165, odborn\u00E9 schopnosti navrhovatele a spolunavrhovatel\u016F, jejich tv\u016Fr\u010D\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDnos ve v\u011Bdn\u00ED oblasti, do kter\u00E9 navrhovan\u00FD projekt n\u00E1le\u017E\u00ED, jejich dosavadn\u00ED v\u011Bdeck\u00E9 v\u00FDsledky, kvalita navrhovan\u00E9ho grantov\u00E9ho projektu z hlediska n\u00E1vrhu zp\u016Fsobu \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED, c\u00EDl\u016F projektu a v\u00FDstup\u016F, zahrani\u010Dn\u00ED spolupr\u00E1ce a p\u0159edchoz\u00ED spolupr\u00E1ce uchaze\u010De a navrhovatele s GA \u010CR a p\u0159im\u011B\u0159enost finan\u010Dn\u00EDch po\u017Eadavk\u016F."@cs . "2013-03-06+01:00"^^ . . "The project proposals are submitted in an electronic form in PDF format through the ISDS the first day of the public tender period at the earliest and the last day of the public tender period at the latest. The subject as \u201CStandard project\u201D"@en . "339"^^ . "SGA0201400001" . "Obchodn\u00ED v\u011Bstn\u00EDk"@en . "0:00 - 24:00" .