"Hlavn\u00EDm c\u00EDlem je prok\u00E1zat \u00FA\u010Dinnost aktiv\u00E1tor\u016F biologick\u00E9 transformace organick\u00E9 hmoty statkov\u00FDch hnojiv na kvalitu st\u00E1jov\u00E9ho prost\u0159ed\u00ED, \u00FAsporu steliva, zv\u00FD\u0161en\u00ED v\u00FD\u017Eivov\u00E9 hodnoty fermentovan\u00FDch statkov\u00FDch hnojiv. Ov\u011B\u0159it vliv aplikace fermentovan\u00FDch statkov\u00FDch hnojiv a pomocn\u00FDch p\u016Fdn\u00EDch l\u00E1tek na zm\u011Bnu fyzik\u00E1ln\u00EDch, fyzik\u00E1ln\u011B chemick\u00FDch a biologick\u00FDch vlastnost\u00ED p\u016Fdy, fixaci organick\u00E9 hmoty, zlep\u0161en\u00ED parametr\u016F infiltrace a retence vody, sn\u00ED\u017Een\u00ED n\u00E1chylnosti pozemk\u016F k erozi a sn\u00ED\u017Een\u00ED energetick\u00E9 n\u00E1ro\u010Dnosti na zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED p\u016Fdy." . . "5"^^ . . "2017-12-31+01:00"^^ . . . . "Soil organic matter- farmzard manure- emission"@en . . "Biologick\u00E9 transformace organick\u00E9 hmoty jako efektivn\u00ED n\u00E1stroj pro sn\u00ED\u017Een\u00ED emis\u00ED NH3 a vyu\u017Eit\u00ED z\u00EDskan\u00FDch \u017Eivin pro zlep\u0161en\u00ED vlastnost\u00ED p\u016Fdy" . . "0"^^ . . "2014-07-01+02:00"^^ . . "2015-05-05+02:00"^^ . "The main aim is to prove efficiency of the organic matter biological transformation\u2019s activator of farmyard manures on stable conditions\u00B4 quality, litter saving, and increase of the nutrient value of fermented farmyard manures. To verify the influence of application of fermented farmyard manures and soil substances amendments on the changes of physical, physical-chemical and biological soil characteristics, organic matter fixation, improvement of parameters of infiltration and water retention, decrease of soil erosion risks, and decrease of energy demand for soil tillage."@en . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=TA04021390"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "Biological transformation of organic matter as an effective tool for reducing NH3 emissions and utilisation of nutrients for soil characteristics\u00B4 improvement"@en . . "TA04021390" . "2014-10-10+02:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . .