"2016-12-31+01:00"^^ . "2013-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "5"^^ . "The use of photoactive nanosurfaces to solve current problems of air and water cleaning"@en . "2015-05-05+02:00"^^ . "Vyu\u017Eit\u00ED fotoaktivn\u00EDch nanopovrch\u016F k \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED aktu\u00E1ln\u00EDch probl\u00E9m\u016F \u010Di\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED vzduchu a vody" . . . "TA03020948" . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=TA03020948"^^ . "0"^^ . . "2014-03-10+01:00"^^ . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . . . . "0"^^ . "Nanocomposites- TiO2- water treatment- air cleaning- nanotechnology"@en . . . . "C\u00EDlem projektu je v\u00FDroba prototyp\u016F, p\u0159\u00EDpadn\u011B i zah\u00E1jen\u00ED pilotn\u00ED v\u00FDroby t\u0159\u00ED nov\u00FDch typ\u016F za\u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED vyu\u017E\u00EDvaj\u00EDc\u00EDch sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 poznatky z oblasti fotokatalytick\u00FDch nanomateri\u00E1l\u016F a jejich aplikac\u00ED. Konkr\u00E9tn\u011B se jedn\u00E1 o topn\u00E9 radi\u00E1tory s du\u00E1ln\u00ED funkc\u00ED, kter\u00E9 sou\u010Dasn\u011B \u010Dist\u00ED vzduch na principu fotokatal\u00FDzy, \u010Disti\u010Dku odpadn\u00EDch vod p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm pro defektoskopii a za\u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED pro odstran\u011Bn\u00ED pach\u016F v m\u00EDstnostech. Jako v\u00FDsledek projektu se p\u0159edpokl\u00E1d\u00E1 vytvo\u0159en\u00ED ov\u011B\u0159en\u00E9 technologie a patentov\u00E1 ochrana prototyp\u016F. Projekt \u0159e\u0161\u00ED i ov\u011B\u0159en\u00ED funk\u010Dnosti za\u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED pomoc\u00ED standardn\u00EDch ISO a CEN test\u016F. Z\u00E1jem o tento materi\u00E1l a aplikace ze strany firem jsou podlo\u017Eeny marketingov\u00FDmi studiemi Evropsk\u00E9 pr\u016Fmyslov\u00E9 fotokatalytick\u00E9 federace a organizacemi z oblasti ochrany \u017Eivotn\u00EDho prost\u0159ed\u00ED. Pr\u016Fmyslov\u00ED partne\u0159i budou sou\u010Dasn\u011B i v\u00FDrobci navr\u017Een\u00FDch za\u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED. \u0158e\u0161itelsk\u00FD t\u00FDm navazuje na v\u00FDsledky \u010Dinnosti projektu V\u00FDzkumn\u00E9ho centra pro nanopovrchov\u00E9 in\u017Een\u00FDrstv\u00ED NANOPIN, ukon\u010Den\u00E9ho v r. 2011, na \u010Dinnost v org\u00E1nech ISO a CEN v dan\u00E9 oblasti, kde \u0159e\u0161itel\u00E9 zastupuj\u00ED \u010Ceskou republiku a sou\u010Dasn\u011B na znalosti Centra pro nanotechnologie p\u0159i TUL Liberec." . "The aim of the project is the production of prototypes or the launch of pilot production of three new types of devices using current knowledge of photocatalytic nanomaterials and their applications. Specifically, these will include heating radiators with dual functions which also clean the air on the principle of photocatalysis, wastewater treatment especially for defectoscopy and equipment for removing odours in rooms. The result of the project will be establishment of a proven technology and patent protection of prototypes. The project also addresses the verification of the functionality of the equipment through ISO standards and CEN tests. Interest in this material and application by firms are based on marketing studies performed by the European industrial photocatalytic federation and organizations in the field of environmental protection. Industrial partners will also include producers of the proposed equipment. The project team will build on the results of the activities of the project Research Centre for Nanosurface Engineering NANOPIN, completed in 2011, activities of ISO and CEN in the given field, where researchers represent the Czech Republic, and also the knowledge of the Centre for Nanotechnology at the Technical University of Liberec."@en .