"Za pomoci aplikovan\u00E9ho v\u00FDzkumu navrhnout a vyzkou\u0161et technologii pro odstra\u0148ov\u00E1n\u00ED vybran\u00FDch organick\u00FDch t\u011Bkav\u00FDch l\u00E1tek z mal\u00FDch vodn\u00EDch zdroj\u016F s vyu\u017Eit\u00EDm p\u0159echodu organick\u00E9 l\u00E1tky membr\u00E1nou s nano-p\u00F3ry (transvaporace) za \u00FA\u010Delem sn\u00ED\u017Een\u00ED zdravotn\u00EDch rizik u\u017Eivatel\u016F." . " decontamination" . " nanotechnology" . . "2013-02-28+01:00"^^ . " transvaporation" . " water" . . . . "2015-05-26+02:00"^^ . . "2011-01-01+01:00"^^ . . . . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . "Volatile organic compounds (VOCs); decontamination; water; transvaporation; nanotechnology; health risk"@en . . . "By means of applied research to design and to test the technology for selected VOC removal from small water sources employing the transport of organic compound throw the membrane with nano-pores (transvaporation) with final scope of user\u00B4s health risk decrease"@en . . "0"^^ . "Vyu\u017Eit\u00ED membr\u00E1n s nano-p\u00F3ry pro sni\u017Eov\u00E1n\u00ED zdravotn\u00EDch rizik VOC z mal\u00FDch vodn\u00EDch zdroj\u016F" . . . "The use of membranes with nano-pores for decreasing of health risk caused by volatile organic compounds in small water sources"@en . "TA01010552" . . "Komise konstatovala, \u017Ee projekt dos\u00E1hl v\u00FDsledk\u016F (4xZ-poloprovoz, ov\u011B\u0159en\u00E1 technologie, 1xG-prototyp/funk\u010Dn\u00ED vzorek a 1xF-u\u017Eitn\u00FD vzor) a v\u00FDstup\u016F v souladu se Smlouvou o poskytnut\u00ED \u00FA\u010Delov\u00E9 podpory respektive s posledn\u00EDm uzav\u0159en\u00FDm dodatkem. Dosa\u017Een\u00ED v\u00FDsledku druhu P-patent lze dle vyj\u00E1d\u0159en\u00ED z\u00E1stupc\u016F p\u0159\u00EDjemce o\u010Dek\u00E1vat do konce roku 2014."@cs . "2013-12-31+01:00"^^ . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=TA01010552"^^ . . . . "36"^^ . . "Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)" . "36"^^ . "The Commission found that the project has achieved all results and outputs in accordance with the Treaty on the provision of targeted support or with the last amendment. Achievment of the result P-patent can be expected by the end of 2014 according to the representatives of the recipient."@en .