" special species protection" . "trout management, freshwater ecology, conservation, special species protection, protected areas, GIS"@en . "2010-03-24+01:00"^^ . "Project objectives were fully met. The results are already applied for the practical protection of target species and habitat types. The outputs are extremely good and complete; they will benefit the professional and scientific level and can become the basis for a new approach to the use and protection of small streams ecosystem."@en . . "Analysis and optimization proposal for trout management in the Czech Republic in relation to the special species protection and the biodiversity in protected areas"@en . . . "Napomoci zastavit pokles biologick\u00E9 rozmanitosti, zajistit kvalitu a mno\u017Estv\u00ED informac\u00ED z oblasti ochrany \u017Eivotn\u00EDho prost\u0159ed\u00ED" . . "0"^^ . "C\u00EDle projektu byly bezezbytku spln\u011Bny. V\u00FDsledky jsou ihned uplat\u0148ov\u00E1ny pro pot\u0159ebu ochrany z\u00E1jmov\u00FDch druh a typ\u016F prost\u0159ed\u00ED. V\u00FDstupy jsou mimo\u0159\u00E1dn\u011B kvalitn\u00ED a ucelen\u00E9, budou p\u0159\u00EDnosem v odborn\u00E9 a v\u011Bdeck\u00E9 rovin\u011B, mohou se st\u00E1t z\u00E1kladem nov\u00E9ho p\u0159\u00EDstupu k vyu\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00ED a ochran\u011B ekosyst\u00E9mu pstruhov\u00FDch vod."@cs . . "2010-12-31+01:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "Zhodnocen\u00ED a n\u00E1vrh optimalizace pstruhov\u00E9ho hospoda\u0159en\u00ED v \u010CR ve vztahu k ochran\u011B zvl\u00E1\u0161t\u011B chr\u00E1n\u011Bn\u00FDch druh\u016F a biodiverzity ve zvl\u00E1\u0161t\u011B chr\u00E1n\u011Bn\u00FDch \u00FAzem\u00EDch" . . . . "1"^^ . " freshwater ecology" . . . "SPII2D1/36/07" . "17"^^ . "17"^^ . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=SPII2D1/36/07"^^ . . "2007-11-01+01:00"^^ . . " protected areas" . " conservation" . . "Analysis and optimization proposal for trout management in the Czech Republic in relation to the special species protection and the biodiversity in protected areas"@en . . . . "trout management" . "2011-06-30+02:00"^^ . .