"laying hen; carotenoids; phosphorus; phytase; calcium; bacteria of digestive tract; microbial contamination of eggs; housing system"@en . "1. Stanovit optim\u00E1ln\u00ED mno\u017Estv\u00ED p\u0159\u00EDdavku fyt\u00E1z do krmn\u00FDch sm\u011Bs\u00ED pro slepice s r\u016Fzn\u00FDm obsahem celkov\u00E9ho a fyt\u00E1tov\u00E9ho fosforu. T\u00EDm sn\u00ED\u017Eit n\u00E1klady na anorganick\u00FD fosfor i fyt\u00E1zy. Naj\u00EDt vztahy mezi fosforem, fyt\u00E1zou a v\u00E1pn\u00EDkem pod\u00E1van\u00FDch v krmn\u00E9 sm\u011Bsi v souvislosti s u\u017Eitkovost\u00ED a bezpe\u010Dnost\u00ED produkce konzumn\u00EDch vajec. Zjistit zda fyt\u00E1za m\u011Bn\u00ED mikrobi\u00E1ln\u00ED prost\u0159ed\u00ED tr\u00E1vic\u00EDho traktu. 2. Nahradit syntetick\u00FD kantaxanthin (EFSA \u0159ad\u00ED k potenci\u00E1ln\u011B nebezpe\u010Dn\u00FDm l\u00E1tk\u00E1m pro \u010Dlov\u011Bka) p\u0159irozen\u00FDmi zdroji karotenoid\u016F. 3. Zjistit mikrobi\u00E1ln\u00ED kontaminaci vajec z r\u016Fzn\u00FDch syst\u00E9m\u016F ust\u00E1jen\u00ED a penetraci mikroorganism\u016F do vejce." . . "QJ1310002" . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=QJ1310002"^^ . " phytase" . "2017-12-31+01:00"^^ . . . . . . . "laying hen" . . " calcium" . "2015-04-14+02:00"^^ . . . . "2013-01-14+01:00"^^ . "Identifikace a \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED vybran\u00FDch probl\u00E9m\u016F ve v\u00FD\u017Eiv\u011B slepic a kvalit\u011B vajec z kontrastn\u00EDch chov\u016F" . "1"^^ . . " bacteria of digestive tract" . "0"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . "Identification and solution of selected problems in hens nutrition and egg quality from contrast housing"@en . . "2014-04-15+02:00"^^ . . " carotenoids" . " phosphorus" . . "14"^^ . " microbial contamination of eggs" . "14"^^ . "1. To determine optimal amount of phytase supplement of hens feed mixtures with different contents of total and available phosphorus. To reduce cost of inorganic phosphorus and phytase. To find out relationships between phosphorus, phytase and calcium in diets in relation to performance and safety of egg production. To determine whether microbial phytase changes environment of the digestive tract. 2. To replace synthetic kantaxanthin (EFSA count its on the potentially hazardous substances for humans) by natural sources of carotenoids. 3. To find out microbial contamination of eggs from different housing systems."@en .