"Prezentace v\u00FDzkumn\u00FDch v\u00FDsledk\u016F na Kongresu North American Association for the Study of Obesity." . "1"^^ . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . " starvation" . "The aim of the project is the presentation of the original results concerning the relationship of the new protein hormone - leptin to the metabolic changes in obese subjects during one day starvation. The results will be presented on the Congress of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity held in Charleston, USA."@en . " obesity" . "leptin; obesity; starvation; metabolic changes"@en . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=PG99126"^^ . . "Presentation of the research results on the Congress of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity."@en . "leptin" . . . . . "PG99126" . . . . . . . . "Zasl\u00DFna pr\u00A8b\u00FD\u00D7n\u00DF zpr\u00DFva o \u00B0e\u00DCen\u00DD projektu v roce 1998v\u0154etn\u00FD podrobn\u00DAho zd\u00A8vodn\u00FDn\u00DD \u0154erpan\u0159ch finan\u0154n\u00DDch prost\u00B0edk\u00A8 na \u00B0e\u00DCen\u00DD projektu v roce 1998"@cs . . . "0"^^ . "C\u00DDlem projektu je prezentace origin\u00DFln\u00DDch v\u0159sledk\u00A8 navrhovatele t\u0159kaj\u00DDc\u00DDch se vztahu nov\u00DAho proteinov\u00DAho hormonu produkovan\u00DAho adipocyty - leptinu k metabolick\u0159m zm\u00FDn\u00DFm v organizmu ob\u00DAzn\u00DDch jedinc\u00A8 v pr\u00A8b\u00FDhu jednodenn\u00DD hladovky. V\u0159sledky budou prezentov\u00DFny na Kongresu North American Association for the Study of Obesity konan\u00DAm v Charlestonu, USA.." . . "0"^^ .