. "0"^^ . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=PG99099"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "+\u0154ast na konferenci o diagnostice plazmatu konan\u00DA v Gentu, Belgie ve dnech 26.-28. srpna 1999. C\u00DDlem konference je shrnout sou\u0154asn\u00DA poznatky v oblasti studia plazmatu a navrhnout nov\u00DA sm\u00FDry jeho diagnostiky. Na t\u00DAto konferenci budou presentov\u00DFny v\u0159sledky v oblasti nov\u0159ch matematick\u0159ch metod p\u00B0i redukci reak\u0154n\u00DDho mechanismu v chemicky aktivn\u00DDm plazmatu. Nalezen\u0159 postup bude aplikov\u00DFn na studium rozkladu metanu v dus\u00DDkov\u00DAm dohas\u00DDnaj\u00DDc\u00DDm v\u0159boji." . "0"^^ . . "reduction; chemical kinetics; flowing afterglow; stiffness"@en . " flowing afterglow" . "Attendance at the conference on plasma diagnostics being held in Ghent, Belgium, 26. - 28. 8. 1999. The conference will bring together specialists in wide range of plasma diagnostic tools in order to define the state-of-art and future directions of techniques used for the study of low and high temperature plasmas. The author will present the mathematical solution of the problem of reduction of reaction mechanism in the chemically active plasma. The derived technique will be applied on the study of methane conversion in a dinitrogen afterglow."@en . . . . . . " chemical kinetics" . . . . "Zasl\u00DFna pr\u00A8b\u00FD\u00D7n\u00DF zpr\u00DFva o \u00B0e\u00DCen\u00DD projektu v roce 1998v\u0154etn\u00FD podrobn\u00DAho zd\u00A8vodn\u00FDn\u00DD \u0154erpan\u0159ch finan\u0154n\u00DDch prost\u00B0edk\u00A8 na \u00B0e\u00DCen\u00DD projektu v roce 1998"@cs . "Attendance at the conference on plasma diagnostics IWPD 1999"@en . . "PG99099" . "\u00DA\u010Dast na konferenci o diagnostice plazmatu IWPD 1999" . "0"^^ . "reduction" . .