"1"^^ . "ECON Proceedings" . . . . . "Publishing ECON proceedings"@en . "0"^^ . "Pravideln\u00DA vyd\u00DFv\u00DFn\u00DD sborn\u00DDku ECON v rozsahu cca 180 stran, kter\u0159 shroma\u00D7\u00B4uje v\u0159sledky v\u0159zkumu pracovn\u00DDk\u00A8 Ekonomick\u00DA fakulty V\u0150B-TU Ostrava a jejich spolupracovn\u00DDk\u00A8 z tuzemska i zahrani\u0154\u00DD Sborn\u00DDk je vyd\u00DFv\u00DFn v angli\u0154tin\u00FD a je distribuov\u00DFn spolupracuj\u00DDc\u00DDm instituc\u00DDm doma i v zahrani\u0154\u00DD na podzim ka\u00D7d\u00DAho roku." . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=PG97277"^^ . . "Vyd\u00E1v\u00E1n\u00ED sborn\u00EDku ECON" . . "A regular issuing of ECON Proceedings in the scope of cca 250 pages that encompass the results of research work done by the Faculty of Economics VSB - Technical University Ostrava, staff members and their fellow researchers both from this country and abroad in specified year, which enables them a broad presentation of those results. The proceedings are published in English and are distributed to co-operating institutions at home and abroad at the beginning of the following year."@en . . . . . . . "results of research" . "PG97277" . "ECON Proceedings,results of research,presentation of Economics Faculty staff and foreigner experts"@en . . "3"^^ . "0"^^ . "Zasl\u00DFna pr\u00A8b\u00FD\u00D7n\u00DF zpr\u00DFva o \u00B0e\u00DCen\u00DD projektu v roce 1998 v\u0154etn\u00FD \u0154erpan\u0159ch finan\u0154n\u00DDch n\u00DFklad\u00A8 na \u00B0e\u00DCen\u00DD projektu v roce 1998"@cs . "3"^^ .