. . " distribution" . " international scientific journal" . " fungi" . "0"^^ . "Czech Mycology is the only scientific journal specialized on mycology in the Czech Republic. It has also international significance in the area of scientific studies of fungi. The purpose of the journal is to publish the results of work of professional researchers as well as amateur specialists from Czech Republic and abroad. Mycology is in last years getting more and more attention from biologists bacause fungi are suitable organisms for general biological studies, and they are also intensively studied in the whole world as an integral part of the biodiversity of environment. The journal Czech Mycology is publishing also research results which are interesting for forest- and agricultural phytopathologists, medical mycologists, toxicologists and sanitation officers. The journal is published quarterly, 350 pages, B5 size, majority of articles in English language."@en . . "+asopis Czech Mycology (d\u00B0\u00DDve +esk\u00DF mykologie) vyd\u00DFv\u00DF +esk\u00DF v\u00FDdeck\u00DF spole\u0154nost pro mykologii bez p\u00B0eru\u00DCen\u00DD ji\u00D7 od roku 1947. V dne\u00DCn\u00DD podob\u00FD se jedn\u00DF o mezin\u00DFrodn\u00DD v\u00FDdeck\u00DA periodikum, kt (p\u00B0\u00DDp. v n\u00FDm\u0154in\u00FD nebo francouz\u00DCtin\u00FD). +asopis slou\u00D7\u00DD pro publikaci v\u00FDdeck\u0159ch v\u0159sledk\u00A8 jak na\u00DCich tak zahrani\u0154n\u00DDch badatel\u00A8 a je otev\u00B0en profesion\u00DFln\u00DDm i amat\u00DArsk\u0159m mykolog\u00A8m. Jsou publik fyziologie, molekul\u00DFrn\u00DD biologie, fytopatologie, l\u00DAka\u00B0sk\u00DA mykologie, mykotoxikologie a ekologie. Krit\u00DAriem p\u00B0ijet\u00DD rukopisu pro publikaci je pouze jeho odborn\u00DF \u02D9rove\u02DB. +asopis p\u00B0in\u00DF" . "0"^^ . "Vyd\u00E1v\u00E1n\u00ED \u010Dasopisu Czech Mycology" . . "Zasl\u00DFna pr\u00A8b\u00FD\u00D7n\u00DF zpr\u00DFva o \u00B0e\u00DCen\u00DD projektu v roce 1998 v\u0154etn\u00FD \u0154erpan\u0159ch finan\u0154n\u00DDch n\u00DFklad\u00A8 na \u00B0e\u00DCen\u00DD projektu v roce 1998"@cs . . " ecology" . "1"^^ . . "0"^^ . . "PG97159" . "0"^^ . . . "editing, international scientific journal, mycology, fungi, taxonomy, ecology, distribution, physiol"@en . " mycology" . . . "Publishing of the journal Czech Mycology"@en . " taxonomy" . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=PG97159"^^ . "editing" . .