" Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)" . . " Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)" . "2009-04-01+02:00"^^ . . . "2011-08-31+02:00"^^ . . . "Byla vytvo\u0159ena datab\u00E1ze termodynamick\u00FDch parametr\u016F pro soustavy bezolovnat\u00FDch p\u00E1jek. Prost\u0159ednictv\u00EDm metody termick\u00E9 anal\u00FDzy a mikrostrukturn\u00EDch m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED byly studov\u00E1ny soustavy Al-Ni-Zn, Ni-Sn-Zn a Bi-Ni-Sn. Bylo provedeno m\u011B\u0159en\u00ED tenz\u00ED par soustavy Ag-Pd. Byly provedeny v\u00FDpo\u010Dty f\u00E1zov\u00FDch diagram\u016F nanoslitin vybran\u00FDch soustav a v\u00FDsledky srovn\u00E1ny se syntetizovan\u00FDmi nano\u010D\u00E1sticemi slitin Ag-Sn a Cu-Ni."@cs . "Thermodynamic and Phase Diagram Studies of Systems for High Temperature Lead-Free Solders"@en . . . "Studium termodynamick\u00FDch vlastnost\u00ED a f\u00E1zov\u00FDch diagram\u016F soustav pro vysokoteplotn\u00ED bezolovnat\u00E9 p\u00E1jky" . "22"^^ . . "22"^^ . . "2012-07-12+02:00"^^ . "The aim of our effort is to contribute to a database of knowledge on possible lead-free solder materials and soldering processes with respect to thermodynamic and phase equilibrium data as a background for evaluation of other physical and mechanical properties of prospective high-temperature solders. The study will cover materials convenient for very promising applications like aerospace and automotive industry or soldering in combination with multilayered metallisations. All activities will concern among others the metal systems containing Al and Mg, not included in existing COST 531 database. More specifically, the basic system can be characterised as Zn-Al-X (X = Mg, Ni, Sb, Sn)."@en . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=OC09010"^^ . "Database of thermodynamic parameters for lead-free solder systems was created. Al-Ni-Zn, Ni-Sn-Zn and Bi-Ni-Sn systems were studied by means of thermal analysis and microstructure measurements. Vapour pressure measurement of Ag-Pd was performed. Phase diagram calculations of selected nanoalloy systems were performed and the results compared with synthesized nanoparticles of Ag-Sn and Cu-Ni alloys."@en . "C\u00EDlem projektu je p\u0159isp\u011Bt k roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED datab\u00E1ze termodynamick\u00FDch vlastnost\u00ED pro v\u00FDpo\u010Det f\u00E1zov\u00FDch diagram\u016F soustav kov\u016F potenci\u00E1ln\u011B vhodn\u00FDch jako bezolovnat\u00E9 p\u00E1jky pro vysokoteplotn\u00ED pou\u017Eit\u00ED. K tomuto \u00FA\u010Delu budou z\u00EDsk\u00E1na fyzik\u00E1ln\u011B chemick\u00E1 data." . . " Phase Diagrams" . . " High-Temperature Lead-Free Solders" . . " Thermal Gravimetry (TGA)" . . "0"^^ . . "2011-03-02+01:00"^^ . . "Thermodynamics; Phase Equilibria; Phase Diagrams; High-Temperature Lead-Free Solders; Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC); Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA); Thermal Gravimetry (TGA); High-Temperature Mass Spectrometry; CALPHAD"@en . . " High-Temperature Mass Spectrometry" . . . "1"^^ . "Thermodynamics" . "OC09010" . " Phase Equilibria" . . . "0"^^ .