"cancer; DNA; platinum; antitumor; telomerase; conformation; ruthenium"@en . "2008-03-05+01:00"^^ . " antitumor" . . . "31"^^ . "31"^^ . . " platinum" . "Byly zji\u0161t\u011Bny korelace mezi modifikac\u00ED DNA komplexy p\u0159echodn\u00FDch kov\u016F a jejich protin\u00E1dorovou aktivitou. Byl navr\u017Een mechanismus kter\u00FDm tyto komplexy mohou inhibovat aktivitu telomerazy."@cs . "cancer" . . . "Inhibice telomer\u00E1zy komplexy p\u0159echodn\u00FDch kov\u016F. Nov\u00E1 koncepce v\u00FDvoje nov\u00FDch cytostatik" . "Correlations between modification of DNA by transition metal compounds and their antitumor activity were found. A mechanism was proposed by which these compounds may inhibit activity of telomerase."@en . " telomerase" . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=NR8562"^^ . . . "2011-04-27+02:00"^^ . . . "Obecn\u00FDm c\u00EDlem tohoto projektu je realizovat z\u00E1kladn\u00ED v\u00FDzkum vedouc\u00ED k roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED teoretick\u00E9ho z\u00E1zem\u00ED pro v\u00FDvoj nov\u00FDch cytostatik odvozen\u00FDch od komplex\u016F p\u0159echodn\u00FDch kov\u016F. Experiment\u00E1ln\u011B bude testov\u00E1na pracovn\u00ED hypot\u00E9za, podle kter\u00E9 existuje korelace mezi inhibic\u00ED telomer\u00E1zy vyvolan\u00E9 po\u0161kozen\u00EDm DNA po jej\u00ED reakc\u00ED s komplexy platiny a ruthenia a jejich protin\u00E1dorovou aktivitou. Potvrzen\u00ED t\u00E9to hypot\u00E9zy umo\u017En\u00ED definovat novou koncepci cytostatick\u00FDch \u00FA\u010Dink\u016F komplex\u016F platiny a ruthenia, na z\u00E1klad\u011B kter\u00E9 budou navr\u017Eena l\u00E9\u010Diva, jejich\u017E protin\u00E1dorov\u00E9 \u00FA\u010Dinky budou lep\u0161\u00ED ve srovn\u00E1n\u00ED s \u00FA\u010Dinky cytostatik ji\u017E vyu\u017E\u00EDvan\u00FDch v klinick\u00E9 praxi." . . . "0"^^ . . "0"^^ . " conformation" . " DNA" . "2008-12-31+01:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "Inhibition of telomerase by transition metal complexes. A new concept of antitumor drug design"@en . . "2005-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "NR8562" . . . . . "The long-term objective of this proposal is to implement fundamental research leading to broadening of the theoretical backgroung needed for the design of new antitumor transition metal-based drugs. The working hypothesis will be tested experimentally that there is a correlation between inhibition of telomerase induced by DNA adducts of platinum and ruthenium complexes and antitumor activity of these compounds. Confirmation of this hypothesis will make it possible to define a new concept of antitumor effects of platinum and ruthenium compounds. This new concept will allow designing new antitumor drugs which will have better therapeutic properties than those already used in the clinic."@en .