. . . "18"^^ . . . " dentistry" . "18"^^ . . "Podle MR kompatibility bylo klasifikov\u00E1no 89 dent.materi\u00E1l\u016F. Prok\u00E1zalo se,\u017Ee na \u010Desk\u00E9m trhu jsou materi\u00E1ly v\u00EDce i m\u00E9n\u011B vhodn\u00E9 i nekompatibiln\u00ED a \u017Ee vhodn\u00FDm indik\u00E1torem kompatibility je magnet.susceptibilita; ta byla stanovena pro 56 slitin."@cs . "0"^^ . . " magnetic resonance" . "The aim of project is to evaluate the reaction of dental alloys in the magnetic field of the MRI appliance and to estimate an eventual health risk of these stomatological metal objects present in the human body inserted in the magnetic field."@en . "Dental Alloys and their Compatibility with Magnetic Resonance Imaging"@en . "2007-08-08+02:00"^^ . "1"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "Dent\u00E1ln\u00ED slitiny a jejich kompatibilita s vy\u0161et\u0159en\u00EDm metodou magnetick\u00E9 rezonance" . "C\u00EDlem projektu je vyhodnotit chov\u00E1n\u00ED dent\u00E1ln\u00EDch slitin v magnetick\u00E9m poli MR p\u0159\u00EDstroje s ohledem na mo\u017En\u00E1 biologick\u00E1 rizika pro pacienty podstupuj\u00EDc\u00ED vy\u0161et\u0159en\u00ED metodou MR. Z\u00EDskan\u00E9 poznatky uspo\u0159\u00E1dat formou doporu\u010Den\u00ED do medic\u00EDnsk\u00E9 praxe." . . . "medicine" . " dental alloys" . . . " dental implants" . "MR compatibility of 89 dental materials was classified. Materials more or less suitable and even incompatible have beeen found on the Czech market. Magnetic susceptibility, determined for 56 alloys, was found to be a suitable MR compatibility indicator."@en . . . . . "medicine; dentistry; dental alloys; dental implants; magnetic resonance; biocompatibility"@en . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=NR8110"^^ . . "NR8110" .