. . "Diferenciace produkce intracelul\u00E1rn\u00EDch isoforem IL-1RA v bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00FDch populac\u00EDch perifern\u00ED krve/synovi\u00E1ln\u00ED tk\u00E1n\u011B pacient\u016F s JIA a perifern\u00ED krve kontrol Korelace expresn\u00EDho profilu s klinick\u00FDmi parametry a aktivitou JIA a IL-1RN*1/1, IL-1RN*1/2 a IL-1RN*2/2 genotypy pacient\u016F s JIA a kontrol. Vliv anti-TNF terapie na produkci intracelul\u00E1rn\u00EDch forem IL-1RA. Z\u00E1v\u011Bry vyvozen\u00E9 z v\u00FDsledk\u016F by mohly objasnit, zda se icIL-1RA izoformy \u00FA\u010Dastn\u00ED udr\u017Eov\u00E1n\u00ED IL-1/IL-1RA rovnov\u00E1hy aktivn\u011B, zda je jejich aktivita omezena na ur\u010Dit\u00FD imunologick\u00FD kompartment, bun\u011B\u010Dn\u00FD typ nebo podskupinu JIA." . . "0"^^ . . . . "3"^^ . "NR7922" . "3"^^ . . " arthritis" . . . "1"^^ . . "juvenile" . . "2"^^ . "Analysis of intracellular IL-1RA isoforms in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and their relation to clinical features of the disease"@en . " IL-1/IL-RA" . "juvenile; IL-1; IL-1/IL-RA; real-time; arthritis; IL-1RA; balance; PCR"@en . . . . . "Differentiation of production of IL-1RA izoforms in cell populations in peripheral blood/synovial tissue of JIA patients and peripheral blood of controls. Correlation of expression profile with clinical parameters and disease activity of JIA and IL-1RN*1/1, IL-1RN*1/2 a IL-1RN*2/2 genotypes in JIA patients and controls Conclusions deduced from the results could suggest whether icIL-1RA izoforms actively participates in the maintenance of IL-1/IL-1RA balance, whether their activity is limited to particular immune compartment, cell type or JIA subgroup"@en . . " balance" . " IL-1" . . . " real-time" . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=NR7922"^^ . "sIL-RA and icIL-1RA1 mRNA predominated in JIA patients\u00B4PBMCs. IL-1RN*2 allele frequency significantly higher in AS Tendinitis patients. CD19+CD20-CD27,CD38+CD138+ plasma cells significantly less frequent in anti-TNF responding JIA and AS patients."@en . " IL-1RA" . "Predominance sIL-RA a icIL-1RA1 mRNA u PBMC pacient\u016F s JIA. Vy\u0161\u0161\u00ED frekvence IL-1RN*2 alely u pacient\u016F s AS a s tendinitidou. Ni\u017E\u0161\u00ED frekvence CD19+CD20-CD27CD38+CD138 plazmatick\u00FDch bun\u011Bk u pacient\u016F s JIA a AS odpov\u00EDdaj\u00EDc\u00EDch na anti-TNF terapii."@cs . . "2007-08-08+02:00"^^ . "Anal\u00FDza intracelul\u00E1rn\u00EDch forem IL-1RA u paciet\u016F s juveniln\u00ED revmatoidn\u00ED artritidou a jejich vztah ke klinick\u00FDm charakteristik\u00E1m choroby" .