"High mountains are among regions sustaining the highest recorded and predicted temperature increases. However, there is surprisingly little direct evidence for the expected upward migration of plants. Even less is known about the effect of factors potentially enhancing or hindering these changes. Ongoing projects in the Alps and the sub-nival belt of the dry Himalayas conducted by the Austrain and #ORIGch scientists, respectively, try to assess upward migration of plants, the role of seed and habitat limitation, and the effect of plant interactions and plant ecophysiology at shaping populations and communities. The two working groups plan to develop a joint project - based on their experience in the field and in the laboratory \u2013 dealing with seed-seedling-adult ecology on the upper limit of plant life. In order to learn more about the actually running projects of both groups, to compare traits of the study species, to discuss the aims of a joint project and realize a proposal, two workshops \u2013 one in In"@en . " high-altitude environment" . . . . "Kl\u00ED\u010Divost a r\u016Fstov\u00E9 strategie vysokohorsk\u00FDch druh\u016F na horn\u00ED hranici v\u00FDskytu" . "Alps" . . " seedling survival" . "Alps; high-altitude environment; plant upper limit; seed germination; seedling survival; dry Himalayas"@en . "2010-01-01+01:00"^^ . "2011-12-31+01:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . "MEB061007" . . "0"^^ . "Ob\u011B skupiny se shodly na studiu zm\u011Bn biodiverzity v\u00A0chladn\u00FDch oblastech pomoc\u00ED taxonomick\u00E9ho p\u0159\u00EDstupu v\u00A0r\u016Fzn\u00FDch prostorov\u00FDch a \u010Dasov\u00FDch \u0161k\u00E1l\u00E1ch."@cs . . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . . "Germination and growth strategies of high-altitude species at the upper limits of plant occurrence"@en . . "0"^^ . "Vysok\u00E9 hory pat\u0159\u00ED mezi oblasti, pro kter\u00E9 je sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 zvy\u0161ov\u00E1n\u00ED teplot nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED. Oteplen\u00ED klimatu se u rostlin i dal\u0161\u00EDch organism\u016F projevuje jejich migrac\u00ED do vy\u0161\u0161\u00EDch nadmo\u0159sk\u00FDch v\u00FD\u0161ek. P\u0159\u00EDm\u00FDch d\u016Fkaz\u016F takov\u00FDch zm\u011Bn je ale p\u0159ekvapiv\u011B m\u00E1lo. Je\u0161t\u011B m\u00E9n\u011B se v\u00ED o faktorech, kter\u00E9 zm\u011Bny v\u00FD\u0161kov\u00E9ho roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED rostlin bu\u010F urychluj\u00ED nebo zpomaluj\u00ED. Prob\u00EDhaj\u00EDc\u00ED projekty rakousk\u00FDch a \u010Desk\u00FDch v\u011Bdc\u016F v Alp\u00E1ch a subniv\u00E1ln\u00ED z\u00F3n\u011B such\u00FDch Himal\u00E1j\u00ED maj\u00ED za c\u00EDl z\u00EDskat spolehliv\u00E1 data o migraci rostlin pod\u00E9l v\u00FD\u0161kov\u00E9ho gradientu, o v\u00FDznamu limitace dostupnost\u00ED semen a prost\u0159ed\u00EDm, a o v\u00FDznamu interakc\u00ED mezi rostlinami. Zvl\u00E1\u0161tn\u00ED pozornost je v\u011Bnov\u00E1na relativn\u00EDmu v\u00FDznamu positivn\u00EDch a negativn\u00EDm vztah\u016F mezi rostlinami pod\u00E9l gradient\u016F nadmo\u0159sk\u00E9 v\u00FD\u0161ky a p\u016Fdn\u00ED vlhkosti. C\u00EDlem \u010Desk\u00FDch a rakousk\u00FDch v\u011Bdc\u016F je vytvo\u0159en\u00ED u\u017E\u0161\u00ED spoluprace p\u0159i v\u00FDzkumu \u017Eivota rostlin na jejich horn\u00ED hranici roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED, p\u0159edev\u0161\u00EDm p\u0159e\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00ED semen a juveniln\u00EDch st\u00E1di\u00ED, kter\u00E1 jsou nejv\u00EDce citliv\u00E1 k extr\u00E9mn\u00EDm faktor\u016Fm prost\u0159ed\u00ED. P\u0159edpokladem vytvo\u0159en\u00ED spole\u010Dn\u00E9ho" . . "2012-07-12+02:00"^^ . . . . " plant upper limit" . "Both groups agreed on studying biodiversity changes in cold regions by means of taxonomical and functional assessments at different temporal and spatial scales."@en . "2011-04-21+02:00"^^ . . " seed germination" . . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=MEB061007"^^ . . .