"functional genomics; gene targeting; nucleases; amiRNA; plant transgenosis; Silene latifolia; Rumex acetosa; sex-linked genes; sex chromosomes"@en . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . . "2014-05-21+02:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . "Techniques of massive sequencing have recently enabled to identify thousands of genes in various organisms. However, their functional validation remains rather complicated especially in organisms, in which techniques of genetic transformation and/or targeted mutagenesis are not feasible. In model dioecious plants \u2013 white campion (Silene latifolia) and sorrel (Rumex acetosa) \u2013 possessing evolutionary young sex chromosomes first sex-linked genes have been recently found. These genes are important clues to solve the complex process of sex separation and evolution of sex chromosomes. The project is focused on identification and functional analysis of sex-linked genes and genes with sex-specific expression. An efficient method enabling targeted mutagenesis and silencing of sex-linked genes will be developed. Selected sex-linked genes will be switched-off and their phenotype studied. This project has already been started as a result of successful collaboration between the laboratory of the Czech applicant and the American partner that belongs among the world-class pioneers of targeted mutagenesis in plants and other organisms."@en . . . . "C\u00EDlem projektu je strukturn\u00ED a funk\u010Dn\u00ED anal\u00FDza pohlavn\u011B v\u00E1zan\u00FDch gen\u016F u modelov\u00FDch dvoudom\u00FDch rostlin Silene latifolia a Rumex acetosa. K dosa\u017Een\u00ED tohoto c\u00EDle je mj. nutn\u00E9 zvl\u00E1dnout nov\u00E9 technologie genetick\u00E9 modulace studovan\u00FDch gen\u016F. B\u011Bhem t\u0159\u00ED let pl\u00E1novan\u00E9ho projektu budou identifikov\u00E1ny geny v\u00E1zan\u00E9 na pohlavn\u00ED chromosomy, vyvinuta metodika pro c\u00EDlenou mutagenezi a uml\u010Dov\u00E1n\u00ED studovan\u00FDch gen\u016F. Tento projekt by m\u011Bl z\u00E1sadn\u011B p\u0159isp\u011Bt k objasn\u011Bn\u00ED funkce pohlavn\u00EDch drah u modelov\u00FDch dvoudom\u00FDch rostlin." . " gene targeting" . " Rumex acetosa" . . . "Funk\u010Dn\u00ED genomika dvoudom\u00FDch rostlin" . . " nucleases" . . "Functional Genomics of Dioecious Plants"@en . . . " amiRNA" . . . " sex-linked genes" . "2014-04-01+02:00"^^ . " plant transgenosis" . . "LH14002" . . . . "functional genomics" . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=LH14002"^^ . "2015-02-16+01:00"^^ . . " Silene latifolia" . "2016-12-31+01:00"^^ .