. "anticancer drugs" . "radiobiological mechanism" . . . . . . "Results of study of principles and regularities of processes in living organisms were used for development of biologically active systems and biocompatible materials for application as therapeutics, diagnostics and special materials in medicine."@en . . "2005-06-17+02:00"^^ . "Project based on experimental and theoretical approaches in chemistry and physics is aimed at diagnostics and therapy of important diseases of man: it implies development of novel potential drugs against viral and metabolic diseases, cancer, disturbances of hormonal or ion equilibria, methods of targeted delivery of such drugs and is aimed at immunomodulatory compounds, materials biocompatible with human tissues, radio pharmaceuticals, study of the influence of xenobiotics and radionuclides in organisms and/or ecological systems. It also concerns development of novel therapeutic methods, sensitive analytical methods for diagnostics, mathematical models describing mechanisms of cell damage by irradiation, or experimental model indicating DNA damage during certain therapeutic approaches. In the field applicable to agriculture, the project will focus on identification, synthesis and utilization of insect and plant hormones, and/or compounds of interspecific communication."@en . . . . . . "0"^^ . "biocompatibility" . . "NMR spectroscopy and imaging" . . "mass spectrometry" . . . "biomaterials" . . "V\u00FDsledky studia princip\u016F a z\u00E1konitost\u00ED d\u011Bj\u016F prob\u00EDhaj\u00EDc\u00EDch v \u017Eiv\u00FDch organizmech byly vyu\u017Eity p\u0159i v\u00FDvoji biologicky aktivn\u00EDch syst\u00E9m\u016F a biokompatibiln\u00EDch materi\u00E1l\u016F pou\u017Eiteln\u00FDch jako terapeutika, diagnostika a speci\u00E1ln\u00ED materi\u00E1ly pro aplikace v medic\u00EDn\u011B."@cs . "1"^^ . "chromosome damage" . "composites" . "polymer drugs" . "bioactive compounds" . "chromatography" . . "antiviral drugs" . "Interdisciplin\u00E1rn\u00ED projekt se s vyu\u017Eit\u00EDm experiment\u00E1ln\u00EDch i teoretick\u00FDch chemick\u00FDch a fyzik\u00E1ln\u00EDch p\u0159\u00EDstup\u016F zam\u011B\u0159\u00ED na diagnostiku a terapii z\u00E1va\u017En\u00FDch onemocn\u011Bn\u00ED \u010Dlov\u011Bka ve v\u00FDvoji nov\u00FDch bioaktivn\u00EDch prepar\u00E1t\u016F proti virov\u00FDm, n\u00E1dorov\u00FDm metabolick\u00FDm chorob\u00E1m poruch\u00E1m hormon\u00E1ln\u00ED \u010Di iontov\u00E9 rovnov\u00E1hy, jejich c\u00EDlen\u00FD transport, na l\u00E1tky s imunomodula\u010Dn\u00EDm \u00FA\u010Dinkem, biokompatibiln\u00ED materi\u00E1ly, radiofarmaka, na studium vlivu xenobiotik a radionuklid\u016F v organismech a \u017Eivotn\u00EDm prost\u0159ed\u00ED, na v\u00FDvoj nov\u00FDch terapeutick\u00FDch postup\u016F pro tato onemocn\u011Bn\u00ED, citliv\u00FDch analytick\u00FDch metod, matematick\u00FDch model\u016F popisuj\u00EDc\u00EDch nap\u0159. mechanismy po\u0161kozen\u00ED bu\u0148ky z\u00E1\u0159en\u00EDm i experiment\u00E1ln\u00EDch model\u016F detekuj\u00EDc\u00EDch nap\u0159. po\u0161kozen\u00ED DNA p\u0159i n\u011Bkter\u00FDch zp\u016Fsobech terapie. V oblasti vyu\u017Eiteln\u00E9 v zem\u011Bd\u011Blstv\u00ED se projekt zam\u011B\u0159\u00ED na identifikaci synt\u00E9zu a vyu\u017Eit\u00ED hmyz\u00EDch a rostlinn\u00FDch hormon\u016F a l\u00E1tek uplat\u0148uj\u00EDc\u00EDch se v mezidruhov\u00E9 komunikaci." . "8"^^ . . "KSK4055109" . "136"^^ . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=KSK4055109"^^ . "Fyzika, chemie a informatika pro biologick\u00E9, ekologick\u00E9 a l\u00E9ka\u0159sk\u00E9 aplikace" . . "136"^^ . "Physics, chemistry and informatics for biological, ecological and medicinal applications"@en . . "bioactive compounds;antiviral drugs;anticancer drugs;radiobiological mechanism;chromosome damage;NMR spectroscopy and imaging;composites;biocompatibility;mass spectrometry;chromatography;polymer drugs;biomaterials;controlled drug delivery"@en .