. . . . "The complex P. glauca s. l. (Poa sect. Stenopoa) is considered to be one of the taxonomically most difficult groups in the genus Poa. In its broad area of distribution the complex is characterized by high rate of variability and occurence of several cytotypes. Due to this fact in the complex dozens of taxa of vague or dubious taxonomical status were described. In central Europe several stenoendemits from this group are distinguished. The main objectives of the project are elucidation of relationships between these taxa and also between them and other members of the section Stenopoa, and study of microevolution processes in the group with high rate of endemits with using molecular markers (AFLP), flow cytometry and morphometric analysis."@en . . " morphometric analysis" . "P\u0159esto\u017Ee se povedlo dos\u00E1hnout d\u00EDl\u010D\u00EDch \u00FAsp\u011Bch\u016F projektu, nebyly v\u00FDsledky dosud adekv\u00E1tn\u00EDm zp\u016Fsobem publikov\u00E1ny."@cs . . "2008-02-21+01:00"^^ . . . " Poaceae" . . . " molecular markers (AFLP)" . . . "Origin and relationships between stenoendemic taxa of the complex Poa glauca s. l. (Poaceae) in central Europe"@en . . . "complex Poa glauca s. l." . "2007-01-01+01:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=KJB601110717"^^ . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "While some partial succes of the project has been reached, the results of the project have not been published adequately."@en . "1"^^ . " endemism" . . "1"^^ . "KJB601110717" . "complex Poa glauca s. l.; Poaceae; molecular markers (AFLP); flow cytometry; morphometric analysis; endemism; molecular taxonomy"@en . . "P\u016Fvod a vz\u00E1jemn\u00E9 vztahy stenoendemick\u00FDch taxon\u016F komplexu Poa glauca s. l. (Poaceae) ve st\u0159edn\u00ED Evrop\u011B" . . "Komplex P. glauca s. l. (Poa sect. Stenopoa) p\u0159edstavuje jednu z taxonomicky nejobt\u00ED\u017En\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch skupin v r\u00E1mci rodu Poa. V r\u00E1mci sv\u00E9ho rozs\u00E1hl\u00E9ho are\u00E1lu roz\u0161\u00ED\u0159en\u00ED se vyzna\u010Duje vysok\u00FDm stupn\u011Bm morfologick\u00E9 variability a existenc\u00ED cel\u00E9 \u0159ady cytotyp\u016F. Na z\u00E1klad\u011B t\u00E9to skute\u010Dnosti byla v r\u00E1mci tohoto komplexu pops\u00E1na cel\u00E1 \u0159ada taxon\u016F \u010Dasto pochybn\u00E9 taxonomick\u00E9 hodnoty. Ve st\u0159edn\u00ED Evrop\u011B je rozli\u0161ov\u00E1no n\u011Bkolik stenoendemit\u016F n\u00E1le\u017Eej\u00EDc\u00EDch do t\u00E9to skupiny. C\u00EDlem projektu je objasn\u011Bn\u00ED vztah\u016F jak mezi t\u011Bmito taxony, tak v\u016F\u010Di dal\u0161\u00EDm z\u00E1stupc\u016Fm sekce Stenopoa a studium mikroevolu\u010Dn\u00EDch proces\u016F, kter\u00E9 se uplatnily p\u0159i formov\u00E1n\u00ED skupiny s takto vysok\u00FDm pod\u00EDlem endemit\u016F, za vyu\u017Eit\u00ED molekul\u00E1rn\u00EDch marker\u016F (AFLP), pr\u016Ftokov\u00E9 cytometrie a morfometrick\u00E9 anal\u00FDzy." . "2008-12-31+01:00"^^ . . " flow cytometry" . "2013-11-05+01:00"^^ .