. " Death Sunday" . . "1"^^ . "The spring pre-Easter and Easter Carollings in Czech (Summary publicity of results)"@en . "This work The spring pre-Easter and Easter Carollings in Czech is the first synthetic work about this genre. The collection includes about 300 carols from different regions. The most significant portion of the material originates from manusscripts of the 19th and 20th century. Hand-written sources are stored in the funds of Prague and regional archives and museums. A number of carols originates from various magazines and regional collections. The collection completes the material of the present research, the register of the literature, photographs and pen-and-ink drawings."@en . "2007-09-26+02:00"^^ . "2"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "2"^^ . "The spring pre-Easter and Easter Carollings" . . "Velikono\u010Dn\u00ED a p\u0159edvelikono\u010Dn\u00ED koledy v \u010Cech\u00E1ch (souhrnn\u00E9 zve\u0159ej\u0148ov\u00E1n\u00ED v\u00FDsledk\u016F)" . . "ICE9058301" . " The present research" . "P\u0159edlo\u017Een\u00E9 d\u00EDlo Velikono\u010Dn\u00ED a p\u0159edvelikono\u010Dn\u00ED koledy v \u010Cech\u00E1ch je prvn\u00ED syntetickou prac\u00ED o tomto \u017E\u00E1nru v\u016Fbec. Byly vyu\u017Eity ve\u0161ker\u00E9 dostupn\u00E9 fondy muzejn\u00ED a archivn\u00ED i ve\u0161ker\u00E9 dostupn\u00E9 region\u00E1ln\u00ED tisky a sborn\u00EDky. Materi\u00E1l se v\u011Bt\u0161inou t\u00FDk\u00E1 obdob\u00ED od konce 19. do poloviny 20. stol. a je dopln\u011Bn sou\u010Dasn\u00FDm v\u00FDzkumem v ter\u00E9nu se zachycen\u00EDm dozn\u00EDvaj\u00EDc\u00EDch relikt\u016F obch\u016Fzkov\u00FDch koled ve vybran\u00FDch obc\u00EDch r\u016Fzn\u00FDch kraj\u016F \u010Cech. Byly podchyceny oblasti, kde obch\u016Fzky jsou dosud \u017Eiv\u00E9 a do dne\u0161n\u00ED doby unikaly pozornosti folklorist\u016F. Sb\u00EDrka je dopln\u011Bna studi\u00ED, textovou a hudebn\u00ED anal\u00FDzou t\u011Bchto koled, soupisem literatury, fotografiemi a perokresbami." . . . . " Carolsingers" . "Velikono\u010Dn\u00ED a p\u0159edvelikono\u010Dn\u00ED koledy v \u010Cech\u00E1ch. Antologie dosud nepublikovan\u00FDch velikono\u010Dn\u00EDch a p\u0159edvelikono\u010Dn\u00EDch koled z \u010Desk\u00FDch archivn\u00EDch fond\u016F. Je studi\u00ED o textov\u00E9 a hudebn\u00ED str\u00E1nce t\u011Bchto koled a charakterizuje jejich \u017Eivotnost. ISBN 80-85010-55-0"@cs . . . . "The spring pre-Easter and Easter Carollings; Death Sunday; Figure of Death; Carolsingers; The present research;"@en . . " Figure of Death" . "0"^^ . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=ICE9058301"^^ . . . .