"2007-09-26+02:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . "This publication aims at some intellectual streams and Aesthetists, who with their activities and publications (written in Czech as well as German) influenced strongly the culture in Bohemia in the second half of the eighteen century and in the first half of the nineteenth century and later were for various reasons unjustly neglected (Seibt, Meissner, Bolzano, Kl\u00E1cel). The publication will be completed with pictorial material."@en . "ICE8033303" . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "Hra na kr\u00E1sn\u00FD \u017Eivot. Estetika v \u010Cech\u00E1ch mezi lety 1760-1860. Zapom\u00EDnan\u00E9 a zapomenut\u00ED" . . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=ICE8033303"^^ . "The beautiful life game. Aesthetics in Bohemia between 1760-1860. Frgotten and neglected"@en . . . . " Biedermeier" . . "Aesthetics; Enlightement; Biedermeier;"@en . . . "Aesthetics" . . . . "C\u00EDlem publikace je upozornit na n\u011Bkter\u00E9 my\u0161lenkov\u00E9 proudy a na estetiky, kte\u0159\u00ED svou \u010Dinnost\u00ED a sv\u00FDmi spisy (psan\u00FDmi jak \u010Desky, tak n\u011Bmecky) v\u00FDrazn\u011B ovlivnili kulturu v \u010Cech\u00E1ch ve 2. polovin\u011B 18. a 1. polovin\u011B 19. stolet\u00ED a z nejr\u016Fzn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDch d\u016Fvod\u016F pak nepr\u00E1vem upadly v zapomenut\u00ED (Seibt, Meissner, Bolzano, Kl\u00E1cel). Publikace bude dopln\u011Bna obrazov\u00FDm materi\u00E1lem." . . "P\u0159ipravovan\u00E1 publikace %22Hra na kr\u00E1sn\u00FD \u017Eivot. Estetika v \u010Cech\u00E1ch mezi lety 1760-1860. Zapom\u00EDnan\u00E9 a zapomenut\u00ED.%22 nebyla vyd\u00E1na ani v odlo\u017Een\u00E9m term\u00EDnu - do \u010Dervna roku 2004. C\u00EDl projektu dosud nebyl spln\u011Bn."@cs . " Enlightement" .