"A critical edition of the not yet published fundamental work of the european musical lexicography, the first musical baroque dictionary, written 1701 by a famous organ palyer in the Tyn Church (Prague, the Old Town). It brings valuable information on the theory, instruments and interpretation practice of his period. The critical edition contains a latin text, note examples, a czech translation, tesmonia, a commentary and indexes. The edition will be accompanied by the study concerning the authors_s life and analysis of his work."@en . . . "Janowka Thomas Balthasar; music; baroque; musical lexicography; theory of music; musical instruments"@en . " musical lexicography" . . " theory of music" . . "3"^^ . "0"^^ . "3"^^ . . "Thomas Balthasar Janowka, Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae. Kritick\u00E1 edice st\u011B\u017Eejn\u00EDho d\u00EDla evropsk\u00E9 hudebn\u00ED lexikografie, dosud nepublikovan\u00E9ho prvn\u00EDho v\u00E1kladov\u00E9ho hudebn\u00EDho slovn\u00EDku z obdob\u00ED baroka, vydan\u00E9ho r. 1701 zn\u00E1m\u00FDm varhan\u00EDkem v pra\u017Esk\u00E9m t\u00FDnsk\u00E9m chr\u00E1mu. P\u0159in\u00E1\u0161\u00ED cenn\u00E9 informace o dobov\u00E9 teorii, u\u017E\u00EDvan\u00FDch n\u00E1stroj\u00EDch a neoceniteln\u00E9 poznatky k dobov\u00E9 interpreta\u010Dn\u00ED praxi. Vyd\u00E1n\u00ED obsahuje kritickou edici latinsk\u00E9ho textu a notov\u00FDch p\u0159\u00EDklad\u016F, \u010Desk\u00FD p\u0159eklad, testimonia a koment\u00E1\u0159 a rejst\u0159\u00EDky. Edici doprovod\u00ED obs\u00E1hl\u00E1 studie o autorovi a anal\u00FDza jeho d\u00EDla." . "Thomas Balthasar Janowka, Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae - A Key to the Traesure of the Great Art of Music"@en . "1"^^ . "Janowka Thomas Balthasar" . . . . "Thomas Balthasar Janowka, Clavis ad thesaurum magnae artis musicae - Kl\u00ED\u010D k pokladu velik\u00E9ho um\u011Bn\u00ED hudebn\u00EDho" . "IAE9062102" . . "Byla vyd\u00E1na publikace %22Thomas Balthasar Janowka - Kl\u00ED\u010D k pokladu velik\u00E9ho um\u011Bn\u00ED hudebn\u00EDho%22"@cs . "2007-01-15+01:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=IAE9062102"^^ . . . . . " music" . . . . " baroque" .