"1"^^ . "This project attempts to study narrative and legal texts of the Old Testament, namely to evaluate theories of their interpretation in light of new development in hermeneutics. It concentrates on categories and methods of current narrative analysis in order to evaluate their significance for interpretation of OT narrative texts. At the same time approaches to interpretation of bibl. legal texts will be studied. Literary, historiographic, and theol. importance of interaction of these literary types will be studied and evaluated. Theoretical postulates will be applied to selected texts from OT canon. Attention will be given to interaction of narr. and legal texts. Theol. of the Ex will be attampted with regard to current trends in hermeneutics. Further areas of research of this project are: Approaches to the interpretation of Decalogue, official, legal, and narrative passages in the Ezra-Neh and approaches of major theol. of the OT to the bibl. narrative and its historical referentiality."@en . "0"^^ . " narrative texts" . . "0"^^ . "2007-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "Old Testament; hermeneutics; narrative texts; Decalogue; Exodus; Ezra; Nehemiah"@en . "2009-12-31+01:00"^^ . . . . . . " Exodus" . . . " Ezra" . "Hermeneutics of narrative and legal texts of the Old Testament"@en . "2009-04-28+02:00"^^ . "Aplikac\u00ED liter\u00E1rn\u00ED teorie na reprezentativn\u00ED odd\u00EDly Star\u00E9ho z\u00E1kona bylo uk\u00E1z\u00E1no, \u017Ee narativn\u00ED texty Bible nejsou replikou minulosti, stejn\u011B jako z\u00E1konn\u00E9 texty nejsou p\u0159\u00EDm\u00FDm n\u00E1vodem jedn\u00E1n\u00ED. Oba typy text\u016F vymezuj\u00ED komunitu a vyjad\u0159uj\u00ED jej\u00ED sv\u011Bton\u00E1zor."@cs . "Old Testament" . "2010-06-08+02:00"^^ . "P\u0159edm\u011Btem projektu jsou narativn\u00ED a pr\u00E1vn\u00ED texty Star\u00E9ho z\u00E1kona, resp. jejich kritick\u00E9 prozkoum\u00E1n\u00ED ve sv\u011Btle nov\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDho v\u00FDvoje v oblasti hermeneutiky. Podstatou je prozkoum\u00E1n\u00ED kategori\u00ED a metod narativn\u00ED anal\u00FDzy a vyhodnocen\u00ED jejich v\u00FDznamu a p\u0159\u00EDnosu pro v\u00FDklad staroz\u00E1konn\u00EDch narativn\u00EDch text\u016F. Z\u00E1rove\u0148 budou prob\u00E1d\u00E1ny p\u0159\u00EDstupy k v\u00FDkladu biblick\u00FDch pr\u00E1vn\u00EDch text\u016F a posouzen liter\u00E1rn\u00ED, historiografick\u00FD a teologick\u00FD v\u00FDznam vz\u00E1jemn\u00E9ho propojen\u00ED a interakce t\u011Bchto liter\u00E1rn\u00EDch typ\u016F v textech SZ. Teoretick\u00E9 poznatky budou ov\u011B\u0159eny na vybran\u00FDch textech z r\u016Fzn\u00FDch \u010D\u00E1st\u00ED k\u00E1nonu SZ se z\u0159etelem na interakci narativn\u00EDch a pr\u00E1vn\u00EDch text\u016F v SZ. Konkr\u00E9tn\u011B p\u016Fjde o zpracov\u00E1n\u00ED teologie knihy Exodus na z\u00E1klad\u011B sou\u010Dasn\u00E9 hermeneutick\u00E9 diskuze, prozkoum\u00E1n\u00ED herm. p\u0159\u00EDstup\u016F k Dekalogu, anal\u00FDzu \u00FA\u0159edn\u00EDch a pr\u00E1vn\u00EDch text\u016F v kontextu narativu v knize Ezdr\u00E1\u0161-Nehejm\u00E1\u0161 a prozkoum\u00E1n\u00ED reprezentativn\u00EDch syntetick\u00FDch d\u011Bl SZ teologie s ohledem na jejich p\u0159\u00EDstup k narativn\u00EDm text\u016Fm a jejich p\u0159\u00EDpadn\u00E9 historick\u00E9 referencialit\u011B." . . " Decalogue" . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=IAA901830702"^^ . . . "18"^^ . "Hermeneutika narativn\u00EDch a pr\u00E1vn\u00EDch text\u016F Star\u00E9ho z\u00E1kona" . "18"^^ . . "IAA901830702" . "Applying the literary theory to the Old Testament were demonstrated narrative texts of the Bible as being not just mimesis of the past, and similarly legal texts as not just instructions how to behave. Rather they define a community and its worldview."@en . " hermeneutics" . . . . .