"Ekologick\u00E1 zm\u011Bna na Madagaskaru: Betsimisarakov\u00E9 v glokalizovan\u00E9m sv\u011Bt\u011B" . "A possible value could be seen in proposed monograph, nevetheless not yet published. Some sorts of film materials could be used in teaching programs. The results not yet much convenced."@en . "Odborn\u00FD p\u0159\u00EDnos lze o\u010Dek\u00E1vat od proponovan\u00E9 monografie, je\u017E dle nakladatelsk\u00E9 smlouvy by m\u011Bla b\u00FDt dod\u00E1na do konce 2015. \u00DAdaje \u0159e\u0161itele snad budou adekv\u00E1tn\u00ED d\u00EDky monografii. Autor \u010Di \u0159e\u0161itel ohla\u0161uje o filmov\u00E9 doklady, je\u017E mohou b\u00FDt vyu\u017Eity pedagogicky.V\u00FDsledky zat\u00EDm dosti spor\u00E9."@cs . "Projekt je zam\u011B\u0159en na problematiku soci\u00E1ln\u00ED a ekologick\u00E9 zm\u011Bny v kontextu glok\u00E1ln\u00ED etnografie, zejm\u00E9na m\u011Bn\u00EDc\u00EDch se adaptivn\u00EDch mechanism\u016F v souvislosti s rozs\u00E1hl\u00FDmi zm\u011Bnami v lok\u00E1ln\u00ED ekologii, mezi madagaskarsk\u00FDmi Betsimisaraky od \u0161edes\u00E1t\u00FDch let 20. stolet\u00ED do sou\u010Dasnosti. V\u00FDsledkem dlouhodob\u00E9ho ter\u00E9nn\u00EDho v\u00FDzkumu bude vypracov\u00E1n\u00ED analytick\u00E9 etnografick\u00E9 monografie (restudie), vych\u00E1zej\u00EDc\u00ED ze star\u0161\u00ED pr\u00E1ce francouzsk\u00E9ho soci\u00E1ln\u00EDho antropologa G\u00E9rarda Althaba. Jednou ze z\u00E1kladn\u00EDch hypot\u00E9z je, \u017Ee prudk\u00E9 zm\u011Bny v lok\u00E1ln\u00ED ekonomii a ekologii z\u0159ejm\u011B sice zasahuj\u00ED do v\u0161ech sf\u00E9r \u017Eivota m\u00EDstn\u00EDch obyvatel, ale nemus\u00ED nutn\u011B v\u00E9st k v\u0161eobecn\u00E9 soci\u00E1ln\u00ED a kulturn\u00ED zm\u011Bn\u011B. P\u0159edpokl\u00E1d\u00E1m, \u017Ee v ka\u017Ed\u00E9 skupin\u011B \u010Di lok\u00E1ln\u00EDm spole\u010Denstv\u00ED existuj\u00ED i v dynamick\u00E9m procesu v\u00FDvoje mezi tradic\u00ED a modernitou jist\u00E9 autoregulativn\u00ED adaptivn\u00ED mechanismy, kter\u00E9 vytv\u00E1\u0159ej\u00ED a posiluj\u00ED jinak ji\u017E obt\u00ED\u017En\u011B viditelnou hranici etnick\u00E9 a soci\u00E1ln\u00ED identity." . . . . . "2014-12-31+01:00"^^ . . . . . "The project will be based on the field research focused on the problems of social and ecological change in the context of the glocal ethnography among the Malagasy group Betsimisaraka from the 1960s to the present, namely the changing adaptive mechanisms in connection with the large changes in the local ecology. The matter of this project will be the analytic ethnographic monography (restudy) coming out of the former work of the French social anthropologist G\u00E9rard Althabe. One of the basic hypotheses is that forceful changes in the local economy and ecology intervene in all the domains of the life of local people, but these changes do not have to necessary signify the general social and cultural change. I suppose that certain autoregulative mechanisms, creating and reinforcing otherwise hardly visible frontier of the ethnic and social identity, exist in all the group or in the local community in the process of the development between tradition and modernity."@en . . . "2015-05-22+02:00"^^ . . . . "Ecological change in Madagascar: The Betsimisaraka in a glocalized world"@en . "0"^^ . . "GPP410/12/P860" . "3"^^ . . "0"^^ . "3"^^ . "New ecological anthropology local community glocalization social adaptation Madagascar Betsimisaraka"@en . "2014-03-31+02:00"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2012-01-01+01:00"^^ . . "http://www.isvav.cz/projectDetail.do?rowId=GPP410/12/P860"^^ . .